Biblical Wisdom
Feeding Yourself First
If you have ever traveled on an airplane before, you have had to sit through the safety video. Just for the record, I always pay attention to those, not because I’m a nerd who always follows the rules, (which I kind of am), but because I was sitting next to an air traffic controller one … Continue reading
To All of the Prayer Warriors
Last Tuesday, I wrote a post about prayer warriors and who qualifies as one, and the importance of them. I then asked my readers to please pray for a woman named Carolyn who had been called to go to Sierra Leone to help with education in the Ebola outbreak. You can read that post here, … Continue reading
Our Obsession with Not Hurting Feelings
When I logged onto my computer today, a headline caught my eye. “Washington State School District Bans Swings.” I just had to click on the link and sure enough, a town in the state of Washington has decided that swing sets are too dangerous and they are phasing them out. The highest injuries come from … Continue reading
Fearing God
I recently reread the account of Moses’ birth for a Sunday School lesson I was putting together. I love it when I read stories that I’ve read many times before, that something different always pops out at me. This time it was the short account of the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah. These women were … Continue reading
Are We There Yet?
Anyone who has ever traveled with young children has heard the famous words, “Are we there yet?” Children are usually very impatient to get to where they are going. But, truthfully, aren’t we all? We can’t wait to grow up. We can’t wait to get married. We can’t wait to have kids. We can’t wait … Continue reading
This Little Light of Mine
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke A friend of mine put that on Facebook last week and I jotted it down. I thought about it for several days and then I received a newsletter in the mail this weekend called, “The Voice … Continue reading
Teaching Real Life Skills
My teenage daughter sat at the breakfast table yesterday morning with tears streaming down her face. “I’ll never use geometry in real life!” she lamented. Oh, how I remember those feelings and I said the exact words myself at her age, verbatim, to my own mama. She agreed with me, just as I agreed with … Continue reading
Walking in the Rain
It was a terribly dreary day here yesterday, one of those days where it won’t rain, but the air is wet. There was a little drizzle here and there, but that was it, just all around gloomy. Today, started off with some fog, but the fog and clouds quickly burned off and the sun began … Continue reading
Taking Chances
I’m not really a big dare-devil with my life. I like to weigh all of the pros and cons before I make a decision. I like to dot my i’s and cross my t’s. I like to prepare for all possible scenarios before I proceed. I’m not too keen on taking a lot of chances … Continue reading