Biblical Wisdom
Praying for His Will
Last Sunday, our pastor was preaching about the passage in Mark, Chapter 10, where the brothers James and John, approach Jesus and ask him for a favor. They approach him and say, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask.” Mark 10:35 Hmmm, how many of our prayers begin the same way? … Continue reading
Removing the Obstacles
Our sermon on Sunday was about the, “Rich Young Ruler.” The story is found in all three Synoptic Gospels, but Sunday’s focus was in Mark, Chapter 10. It’s a story that makes many of us squirm. There are those that skip the story altogether, thinking that if this is what it means to follow Jesus, … Continue reading
The Answer is Jesus
Last Thursday, in Oregon, a twenty-six year old gunman shot and killed 9 innocent people and wounded 9 more. They were students at a small community college who were simply trying to better themselves. Oh, yeah they were also Christians who openly professed their faith. The media did its best to keep that crucial part … Continue reading
Waiting is not something I do particularly well. When I have a task that needs to be tackled, I make a list and I come up with a plan, and then I act. I suspect I’m not alone here. Waiting can be difficult and sometimes downright miserable, but there are times we are called to … Continue reading
Crossing Our Jordan
A couple of nights ago, my hubby and I attended our small group get-together from church. We are watching a video about different places in the Holy Land that appear in the Bible. The narrator then ties them in to our modern life. This time our video was about the Jordan River which appears several … Continue reading
Drawn to the Light
Yesterday, my hubby and I were talking to our middle school Sunday school class about Creation. When we try to teach kids about the nature of God, we always start with the Bible. Everyone seems to have their own image of what God is like or what God would do in this situation or that. … Continue reading
God is With You
A friend of mine recently texted me and asked me for prayer. Apparently, the principal of her school had taken it upon herself to omit, “one nation under God,” when she led the daily pledge of allegiance. She had done it the previous day as well. My friend was greatly troubled and she texted that … Continue reading
God Can
As humans, we often find our spiritual selves and our physical selves at odds with one another. Our physical selves really want ice cream every night for dessert. Our minds know it’s not good for us and can lead to obesity and eventually to diseases like diabetes. Our spiritual lives can suffer if we are … Continue reading
Making a Kingdom Impact
Sometimes as Christians, we decide that we need to withdraw from a corrupt world gone bad. There are those who are convicted not to work for a company that doesn’t hold their values or to work with people who don’t know Jesus. There are parents who put their children in Christian schools because prayer is … Continue reading
Glossing Over God
Daniel and the Lion’s Den is probably one of the most well known stories in the Bible. It has all of the elements of a made for Hollywood movie. There’s a Godly man minding his own business, trying to live a good life, who has an incredibly strong character. There are jealous antagonists who plot … Continue reading