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Making a Kingdom Impact

Posted by on September 3, 2015
How can we make a kingdom impact if we withdraw from society?

How can we make a kingdom impact if we withdraw from society?

Sometimes as Christians, we decide that we need to withdraw from a corrupt world gone bad. There are those who are convicted not to work for a company that doesn’t hold their values or to work with people who don’t know Jesus. There are parents who put their children in Christian schools because prayer is not allowed in public schools.

First of all, God calls us all in different ways onto different paths. When we prayerfully give our concerns to God and we feel led to leave a job or convicted to pull our kids from a school, then we should definitely do that. He has plans for us and our children that we can’t possibly know or understand.

But, for many of us, the secular world at large, is the place for us to be the face of Jesus, the place to let his light shine through us.

A workplace where we find ourselves to be the only Christian, may not be pleasant or comfortable, but it may be where we are called to be. We may be the only Christian some of our co-workers have encountered or perhaps the ones they may have encountered previously, didn’t leave a good impression. We may have the opportunity to present a different face on Christianity to those who desperately need it.

We have to remember that God didn’t call Jonah to go to a place where believers would welcome him. Nope, He called Jonah to a place that was Godless. Paul often found himself in enemy territory when he was sharing the Gospel as well.

Jesus once said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:31-32

Most of us are not called to be Billy Graham or some great evangelist, but we are all called to share the love of Jesus in some unique way. We don’t have to quote scripture to share Jesus. It’s our actions that make the biggest impact. How do we treat others? How do we react to adversity? How do we react when we are mistreated? How do we react when we have been blessed? Is there a peace and joy that set us apart? What makes us different?

How can we share any of these truths if we withdraw from what we consider to be secular? If we withdraw from society, how can we make a difference? How can we make a kingdom impact? If the Christians leave, who wins?

We are not called to try to save the entire world. Only Jesus can do that. But, we are called to be a living witness to those who cross our paths, wherever those paths may lead. Sometimes I need a reminder.

Maybe you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


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