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Autumn Lessons

Posted by on November 4, 2022

The oak tree in fall reminds us to walk at our own pace. God’s timing is always perfect.

As I was walking through campus last week, I couldn’t help but to admire the beautiful fall trees. There were tall tees and short trees, old ones and young ones, all participating in the stunning fall art show. The leaves ranged from tiny to huge and the colors were all over the spectrum. There were reds, yellows and oranges. Some of the trees were almost bare, having dropped their leaves early. Then, I passed by an oak, that was still mostly green and hadn’t really started to drop its leaves at all.

I marveled a moment at the mighty oak. I doubted that it really mattered to it what the other trees were doing, and whether it was ahead or behind in the seasonal show. When the time comes, it too, will play its brilliant part.

I immediately thought about one of my students who I had spoken with earlier in the week. She told me that all of her roommates and everyone she knew, had it together, knew exactly what they wanted to do and were going to graduate early. She felt that she was behind. I gently pointed out to her that in real life, there is no behind; we are all figuring it out at our own pace and we will all get there.

I also reminded her that social media is just about all, make-believe. Everyone’s life looks perfect on Instagram. She acknowledged the truth in that statement as we made a plan for her next semester.

I often wonder what it is about humanity that makes us determined to compare ourselves to each other. I don’t think there is anything that can kill peace and joy more quickly than comparison, but we tend to be suckers for punishment.

One walk out in creation can remind us that God loves variety. He has His own timing and it is always good. The trees are all sizes and shapes, just like we are. They bloom at different times. Some trees are evergreen and don’t drop their leaves at all and the ones that do, drop them at their own pace and it is good.

There would be nothing magical about the fall if the leaves all fell in the same week or if they were all the same color. The season is beautiful because every tree is different, just the way God intended.

The fall season reminds me to appreciate where I am in life and that comparison is really about questioning God’s plans and His timing for us. The Bible tells us they are always good. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


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