Water Bottle Revelations

Even though the top is just slightly off, water will likely leak everywhere.

I was recently sitting at my desk eating lunch when I reached for my water bottle. Right before I picked it up, I noticed that I hadn’t screwed the top on correctly. It didn’t seem like a big deal; it was just slightly off, but there was a good chance when I went to take a drink of that completely full water bottle, that water was going to leak all over me.

Something about that slightly off bottle top, got me to thinking about my morning spiritual routine.

On most mornings, I sit quietly, eat my breakfast, drink my coffee and spend some time with a daily devotional or two and pray. I find that when I do that, I am ready to deal with almost anything that life may throw at me that day. I am less likely to get annoyed in traffic, less likely to get my feelings hurt by some offhanded comment and less likely to get aggravated in general.

It’s fairly easy to let daily annoyances go.

But, some days I run late and I don’t have as much quiet time and sometimes I don’t have any. I may look the same when I leave my house, but I am not the same.

On those days, I am much more likely to let little things bother me because I didn’t start from a solid place of peace to begin with.

As I was looking at my water bottle, I thought about the Armor of God, found in Ephesians. Paul says in his letter: “ Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. “ Ephesians 6:10-12

I think we sometimes forget in our busy modern lives that there is a constant unseen battle going on between good and evil. Paul goes onto describe all of the different parts of armor that we need to wear daily as Christians, to protect ourselves.

But, there is only one piece that can be used offensively and that’s the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Should I be at all surprised when I leave my spiritual sword at home for the day, that the enemy would take extra shots at me? Why wouldn’t he?

Would I leave home without my cell phone? Why would I leave home without my spiritual sword?

A water bottle with a slightly off top, reminded me that leaving home without all of the armor available to me can leave me open to a messy day. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too,

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


Categories: Biblical Wisdom, Building Christian Character | 1 Comment

No Post Today

It’s been a busy week for me with very little quiet time, so I don’t have a post. I hope to see you back here next week.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Wendy 😀

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Moss Lessons

Faith can grow even in the most barren places.

I was recently looking at my grassless backyard. We have tons of hardwoods back there which provide us with fabulous shade, but they also keep us from having any grass. The shade is simply not conducive for it to grow, so it’s definitely not a typical postcard backyard. When you look at it from a distance, depending on the season, it looks downright barren.

I was recently thinking about our seemingly barren backyard as I sat by our goldfish pond, when my eyes settled on a moss covered rock. It was thick and a brilliant shade of green. I moved in closer to get a better look. I marveled for a moment, at how something that vibrant could grow with such little sustenance. It was growing on a rock of all things.

As someone who likes to grow things, I find it kind of amazing that it doesn’t require fertile soil and very little light to thrive. The conditions  certainly don’t seem ideal. When I grow something, I fertilize it and water it. I watch for pests. I do some research to plant things in the ideal spot and it sometimes still fails to thrive.

As I looked closer, a tiny frog, resting in it, caught my eye. I was delighted to see this tiny creature enjoying the moss. Apparently, the landscape wasn’t at all barren for him. He didn’t require the traditional yard to thrive.

I thought about that little frog on that moss patch, long after I went back inside. I thought about how we tend to strive for what the world deems ideal in our lives. We seek the ideal job, the ideal mate, the ideal house and yes, the ideal yard.

And when these ideal things eventually fail to meet our expectations, we feel disillusioned.

But, who decides what’s ideal?

What if ideal is where God has planted us at this moment because He has a plan and He works all things together for those who love Him?

What if our challenge for today is to thrive wherever we happen to be?

The moss and the frog reminded me that beauty and life can spring forth in even the most barren places. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂

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Seeking and Finding

God reveals Himself to those who seek Him in countless ways.

One morning last week, I was driving to an event for work. I was praying about several areas in my life where I needed both God’s intervention and His guidance. As I prayed, it began to rain and as the drops hit my windshield, I was reminded of the prayers from Psalms, so I gave thanks for the rain.

After that, I gave thanks that I woke up that morning, and I gave thanks for my health, and my family’s health, and for my car that runs, and for my job. The more I named, the more I thought of; it was as if naming the blessings made them multiply.

Next, like the Psalmist often does, I thanked God for the many times in the past that He has intervened on my behalf and the countless prayers He has answered. Then I found myself praying for my parents and naming the specific instances that He has had His hands on them and healed them and as I acknowledged His protection, I caught a red light and something made me look to the left.

When I did, I first saw the dorm that my Mama moved me into over 30 years ago and I thanked God for His constant presence, even when I couldn’t see or feel it and then I caught my breath as I saw a stunning rainbow over that dorm.

My eyes immediately filled with tears as I felt His presence and I felt the most wonderful sense of peace as I repeated thank you over and over.

After the event, I went to my sweet co-worker’s office to tell her good morning and the first thing she said to me, was “I have been praying for you.”

I thanked her and I told her what had happened and about the rainbow. She grinned and told me that she had seen it too and then showed me a picture she had taken with her phone. She then told me about a similar situation she just had with the car tag in front of her and how she knew it was God communicating with her.

We talked about how special those God winks are and then she said, “You know, we have to look for and acknowledge the small stuff, because if we don’t, we will never get to see the big stuff.”

As I thought about our conversation later, I thought about how often God intervenes and is present in ways that we never see, and how true worship should be looking for, acknowledging and giving thanks for the times we do see His hand at work. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂

Categories: Building Christian Character, Community, Trusting God, Watching for God | 2 Comments

Hydrangea Encouragement

Hydrangea Bud

Any growth, no matter how small, is worth celebrating.

Every year, beginning in the late spring and stretching into the summer, I am blessed with gorgeous hydrangeas. I usually cut some and bring them into the house and I still have plenty of huge cheerful blooms to greet me when I arrive home from work each day. 

Most of them are gifts from parents at the school where I used to work and that makes them even more special.

But, this year, they didn’t bloom even though I did my part.  I covered them when we had a late frost to protect them. I watered and fed them and nothing happened. They were green, but they didn’t bloom from May all the way into June, but then in late June, one tiny bloom emerged. I was thrilled to see it. Since it was the only one, I watched it carefully.

It seemed to take a long time to grow, but when it did, it was a different color than mine usually are. It was unique and I was just as proud of the one, as I usually was of the dozens.

As I was thinking about the amount of time I have put in on those hydrangea bushes only to get one bloom and of how delighted I have been about that one bloom, I am reminded about how much God delights in us when He sees growth.

Sometimes we get it right and we bloom and flourish with the fruits of the Spirit. We pray, read our Bibles and worship and serve and make a huge Kingdom impact and I know He’s proud of us. But, at other times, we stumble. Sometimes our lives grow dark through unforeseen circumstances or bad choices and we get lost along the way and fail to bloom.

Still, His love for us never changes and when we do find our way back and manage even the tiniest bloom, I imagine Him delighting in the new growth, just as I did with my lone hydrangea bloom and I am encouraged. Perhaps you needed some encouragement today too.

Have an awesome day! 

Wendy 😊

Categories: Building Christian Character, Trusting God | 2 Comments

Lessons from the Hummingbirds

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Every summer since we moved into our house over fifteen years ago, I have put out a feeder for the hummingbirds. Every summer, I have been blessed with a bunch of those bossy, territorial little birds. I have enjoyed watching their antics and marveled at how they seem to care more about keeping other birds from taking a drink than feeding themselves. Their nature tends to be quite humanlike at times.

They are colorful and fun to watch and sometimes a lot of work. I often have an ongoing battle to keep the ants out of the feeder. At the end of the season, they consume so much sugar water, that I struggle to keep it filled.

It’s like when I put out a feeder at the beginning of the summer, I feel a responsibility for these tiny wild creatures.

But, last summer I only saw one or two birds the entire summer and never together. I poured out most all of the sugar water I made because when it remains in the feeder more that a couple of days in the really hot part of the summer, it sours and can be dangerous for them to drink. I figured someone else in the neighborhood must have been feeding them or perhaps they were getting what they needed from flowering plants.

So, this summer, I decided not to put a feeder out. The hummingbirds clearly no longer needed my assistance. We decided to plant tomato plants in the pots underneath where the feeder usually hangs instead of hibiscus.

I didn’t see any of the little birds at all in the late spring or in early June, so I thought my decision had been the right one, but in mid June, I caught one sitting on the edge of a tomato cage. It sat there for a good little while and then flew away. The next day I saw it again, in the same spot. I began to question not putting a feeder out. Did they need it after all?

Was it too late to put one out?

One morning before work, I went ahead and made some sugar water and when I got home, my hubby had put the feeder out. We had a visitor that afternoon and within a couple of days, we had at four at the same time. I felt both guilty for not putting it out earlier and relieved that we had because they apparently needed us after all.

God often uses nature to teach me life lessons. Those hummingbirds reminded me that we should never stop giving even when we think our giving is not appreciated or needed. We are called to simply do our part and let Him do the rest. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


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Lessons from Annie

A rainy morning with my dog reminded me to always be patient and thankful.

One morning last week, it began pouring rain. I was so happy to hear it beating on my roof. We have desperately needed it.

When I sat down to eat my breakfast, my dog Annie, started fussing at me. She’s a husky mix and extremely opinionated and vocal. Normally, as soon as I sit down to eat, she starts vocalizing and then she starts barking to let me know that she would like to go out immediately, if not sooner. She goes out first thing, but she likes to go out a second time and run around with our other pup.

On most days, I comply and get up and let her out, but that day when she started, I told her “no.” She of course, sassed right back and I told her it was raining outside and she couldn’t go out. This went on for a few minutes and she finally stopped and began chewing on the leg of a kitchen chair. I told her to stop and she sighed and put her head down, pouting.

I marveled at her persistence and her bad attitude. I mean, I give her what she wants almost all of the time. Couldn’t she be a little more patient and grateful?

Then I chuckled at myself. She’s only a dog. She didn’t understand that I was trying to keep her safe and truly had no idea all what I do for her on a regular basis, beginning with rescuing her from the pound. All she knew was she couldn’t get what she wanted at that moment. Then I felt convicted.

I could almost hear a voice asking if I was much different than Annie.

How often does God provide for me? He provides Every. Single. Day. First of all, He rescued me from a fate much worse than the pound. 

How often do I just simply take for granted that I woke up, that I am well, that I have family, that I have friends, and a home, and food to eat or that I have a job. The list of His provision, is endless.    

Yet, when I don’t get what I want the minute I ask, like Annie, how quickly and loudly do I complain? Do I ever stop to ask if there’s a reason? Do I ever even consider that a Divine “no” might in fact, be for my greater good? How patient and grateful am I?

A rainy day conversation with Annie reminded me to be thankful for God’s provision, for His limitless patience and for His fresh mercies that He doles out so freely every single day. Perhaps you needed reminding too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂

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Fig Tree Wisdom

As long as we are able, we are called serve.

We have had a major heat wave lately. It’s been in the triple digits and it’s only June. It’s also been incredibly dry with no rain in the forecast anytime soon. At 8:00 last night, it was still 96 degrees. As I was trudging through my dusty yard and watering some of my parched plants, my eyes rested on my fig tree.

It was green and covered with tiny green figs and it seemed completely untouched by the heat. I couldn’t remember when I watered it last and yet it was flourishing.

That magnificent, hardy tree came from a a small cutting from my hubby’s granddaddy’s tree, delivered by a cousin, years ago. I remember when she brought it thinking that it was awfully small and I wondered if anything would ever come of it. We planted it and watered it and nothing happened for a long time. It lived, but it didn’t really grow much at all and it certainly didn’t produce any fruit.

But, we kept watering it and feeding it and eventually it took off and began growing, but produced only a few figs. We kept doing our part and one summer it was absolutely full of sweet juicy figs and it produced two batches, one in the summer and one in the fall. It was a wonderful surprise.

The tree has continued to get bigger every year and produces even more fruit than the year before. And now in this oppressive heat it’s thriving. As I was looking at the many figs and comparing it to my wilting hydrangeas I was amazed at its resilience and I wondered about the original tree.

How old was it? Was it still living? Had my hubby’s granddaddy loved that tree? Had it been fruitful? Did they enjoy its fruit during the summer. Did they make preserves to enjoy all year long? What inspired his cousin to bring us a cutting?

I will likely never know any of the answers to my questions, but I am thankful that at some point, someone planted a tree and at another time, it was shared with us.

I am especially thankful as I look at its present abundance, that although it didn’t grow or produce for a long time, we felt led to water it and feed it. It reminds me that I should be more persistent with the people in my life who don’t seem to respond to my watering and feeding.

The Bible says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

That resilient, fruitful fig tree reminds me that we should never give up on praying for people, on being kind or on doing good. We are only called to do our part. God will do the rest in His time and His timing is always perfect. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂



Categories: Building Christian Character, Trusting God, Watching for God | 2 Comments

Pentecost Reminders

May the miracle of Pentecost remind us to wait on God and boldly speak of His wonders.

I was recently reading the account of Pentecost found in Acts 2. It’s a fascinating read. A room full of believers were in a room together. They were there because the risen Jesus had told them to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit.

Many of these people had been with Jesus since the beginning of His ministry. They had witnessed the miracles and his gruesome death. They had mourned him and probably doubted, but they were also around for the very first Easter. They saw Him ascend to heaven, so these folks were more than willing to be obedient.

Most experts believe they waited for ten days. It must have felt like an eternity to them, but they waited.

The waiting in itself is something we could all learn from. We don’t like to wait. We are always in a hurry. When the red light turns green, if we don’t step on the gas, the person behind us starts honking their horn, but God’s way is different. 

The Old Testament is full of stories of people who were called to wait on God and when they did, they were always rewarded. 

The believers at Pentecost were rewarded too. The Spirit showed up in a roar and fiery looking tongues rested on them individually and they could speak in different languages.

The text says, “Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.“ Act 2:5

It goes on to say that all of those people could hear what was being said in their own language and they were bewildered. 

And what was being said?

They were declaring the wonders of God.

So, the Holy Sprit blasted onto the scene and gave all of those people who were obediently following Jesus’ command, the ability to speak about the wonders of God in a language that every single God-fearing Jew, from every nation, under heaven could understand.

Just ponder that for a moment. The believers waited and the Spirit showed up and a miracle occurred.

While most of the crowd below was amazed, as there always was and always will be, there were doubters.

Their scientific explanation was that they must have had too much wine. In other words, they were dunk.

Man has always attempted to explain away the miracles of God.

I’ve no doubt there were people who walked away from the truth that day. They walked away from hope and from redemption, the same way they do today, but around 3,000 became believers and their lives were forever changed. 

The story of Pentecost has so much meaning for us today. In a world full of impatience, we are called to wait. In a world full of doubt, we are called to believe. And we are always called to declare the wonders of God even when we think no one is listening. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 😊 

Categories: Biblical Wisdom, Trusting God, Watching for God | 6 Comments

Psalm Reminders

We all have the opportunity to spread cool breezes when we listen to the Spirit’s prompting.

This past week has been a long one for me. First, my son was sick with a summer cold which he then passed on to me. We adopted a new pup who is absolutely adorable, but still a puppy and his acclimation to the family, especially to the other two pups, began a little rougher than we expected. 

I normally begin my day with some yoga and a daily Bible devotion, but this week has been all about treading water and avoiding any canine skirmishes, so there was no yoga and although I was usually able to stumble through a devotion, it was not without many interruptions.

I didn’t feel up to my lunch walk most of the week and by Thursday, which began unexplainably with the new pup, throwing up at 4:00 AM, I felt completely worn out and grumpy in general. I was praying about my mental state as I trudged to my office through the sprinkling rain and when I arrived at my desk, a Bible verse that I taped on my computer, months ago, caught my eye. It was from Psalms.

“Listen to my words, LORD, consider my lament. Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.“ Psalm 5:1-3

I really don’t even remember what prompted me to print it out, but I found it unbelievably appropriate for my situation and so I prayed it out loud and I felt a sense of peace come over me.

We were expecting thunderstorms that day, but the lunchtime weather was beautiful and I took a much needed walk. I was greeted with a delightful cool breeze and I was reminded of working on a roof in the summer heat on mission trips in the past, what a big difference a simple breeze can make when the air around you is stifling.

 I was also immediately reminded of the breezes of the week before. I had received a “Good Morning Sunshine,” text from a friend out of the blue and an unexpected “Just thinking about you,” text from another that resulted in lunch plans. One of my sweet cousins has started making social media posts of Christian encouragement that originate from seeing God in her garden that made me smile and one on pruning in particular, really spoke to me.

As I walked and prayed, God revealed to me that He had been using others to send cool breezes repeatedly during my stifling week and I felt both humbled to have missed them at the time and grateful that He pointed me to them. As the Psalm said, I cried for help and waited expectantly and as always, God provided.

He always does, but we often miss it. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 😊 


Categories: Biblical Wisdom, Trusting God, Watching for God | 1 Comment