Watching for God
You’re Never Too Old for Wonder
My family went to visit my parents last Saturday to celebrate my mom’s birthday. When we returned late that afternoon, we had a message waiting on our voice mail. My neighbor from across the street, left an excited message that there was a crane or an egret walking around in her yard. She was so … Continue reading
Sometimes a Mess is for the Best.
I woke up Saturday morning with one of those killer sinus headaches that makes you want to cry. My head was pounding as I took a couple of ibuprofen, a couple of Sudafed and sipped a cup of coffee. I didn’t even feel like sitting at the table, so I slowly trudged to my couch. … Continue reading
Symbolism of the Shell
Last Sunday at church, we renewed our vows of baptism. The pastor told us that the seashell is the Christian symbol for baptism and at the end of the service, invited us all up to get a shell and dip our fingers in the baptismal font and pray at the altar. It really was a … Continue reading
Obedience Can Produce Beautiful Results
Yesterday, after church, I decided to make myself observe some Sabbath time. It was rather difficult for me because it had rained for the past two days which resulted in three dogs being in the house round the clock, which resulted in numerous hair balls and muddy footprints that desperately needed cleaning up. However, in … Continue reading
One Size Fits All
My teenage daughter has a very dear friend named April. When they first became friends in the fourth grade, she was very disturbed when she told me that April didn’t believe in God. I told her she should invite April to Vacation Bible School. She did and not only did April attend VBS , she … Continue reading
That Little Voice
One of my favorite shows in the eighties was Magnum PI. I just loved watching him ride around Hawaii in his red Ferrari. Tom Selleck was good-looking and he always got the girl and caught the bad guy. The scenery was gorgeous too and he had two besties that were in on all of his … Continue reading
The Spirituality of Beautiful Places
Do you ever wonder what it is about the ocean that calls to us? Is it the vastness of God’s creation as we look over the horizon? Is it the mystery that it holds? Maybe it’s something deeper and more spiritual. When we go to the beach, it’s usually for a vacation, for a break … Continue reading
I Learned All I Need to Know About Faith at VBS
Jesus Loves Me. Worship takes many forms including singing and dancing. There’s a time for everything; a time to listen, a time to share, a time to pray, a time to create, a time to snack, a time to sing and dance and a time for worship. Community is important. Friendships are to be treasured. … Continue reading
God is Always Full of Surprises.
I was working on dinner yesterday when a big bird flying across the backyard caught my eye. Quite certain it was a hawk, I ran and got my camera and eased outside. While hawks are fairly common in my area, they are rather tricky to capture in pictures. They don’t stay in one place for … Continue reading
Children and dogs
I was watching the morning news today and it showed a short clip of a little boy with Down’s Syndrome and a yellow labrador retriever. The story was the little boy didn’t like to be touched. He wasn’t big on physical contact. The dog would touch him with his foot and the little boy would … Continue reading