Watching for God
Vacation Reflections
My family just returned from a week long vacation on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. This was a first for us. We are usually Florida people, but we were looking for something different this year. Now before you Gulf of Mexico purists start shaking your heads, I get it. The Atlantic is not nearly as … Continue reading
Seeing Jesus in Wal-Mart
I had the joy of visiting Wal-Mart a couple of days ago. I really hate going there. It’s always so crowded and honestly, I hate all of the negativity I see there. It seems like people come from miles around to bring their children there, so they can yell at them. I always see a … Continue reading
Dirty Dish Moments
I spent a lot of time Saturday working out in the yard. Spring has been a long time coming this year and there’s always much to be done when the earth finally wakes up from its winter slumber. One of my tasks was doing some serious cleaning on my back porch. Besides the regular crud … Continue reading
Praying for Wonder
As I was preparing to write today’s post, I was praying for guidance. My family has had a really rough week. Tornadoes tore across the Southeast last night and we are expecting a second wave tonight. To top it off, I woke up with one of those throbbing sinus headaches that refuses to let go, … Continue reading
A Time to Plant
This weekend, my hubby and I finally got our little garden started. We are trying a raised bed because we just weren’t up to fighting with the weeds. We are a little late getting started, but we have had an unseasonably cold spring and a winter that simply refuses to acknowledge his time to go. … Continue reading
Surviving Life’s Cold Snaps
We had a cold snap last week. It was rather late in the spring and there were quite a few things blooming that sustained some damage. There were a lot of people who had decided to go ahead and put out their summer plants like Impatiens. Some people had even planted summer veggies. After all, … Continue reading
Past Thorns
While I was recently working in the yard, I came across this dead rose-bush. I was relatively certain it was dead at the end of last summer. We just got too much rain, but I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, it had some life in it. It didn’t. It had been a housewarming gift … Continue reading
Faith Like a Vine
While I was working on my Lent Bible Study of the Book of John, Spring Break occurred, and we went for a short visit to see the grandparents. As we drove up to the house, the trees were filled with this beautiful, lavender wisteria vine. It’s gorgeous and it smells divine and it has been … Continue reading
From the Mouth of a Teen
Yesterday was one of those days. I hadn’t slept well the night before. It may have had something to do with my parents’ Papillons that I’m looking after at the moment. The spoiled little darlings had to sleep in the bed with my hubby and me. When I took them out on leashes at 5:00 … Continue reading
Buds of Promise
My family and I took a walk on Sunday at the State Botanical Gardens. We had been housebound for several days due to a freak snow and ice storm. We were itching for some spring. The temps were in the fifties and so we ventured out. We weren’t the only ones. There were many others … Continue reading