Watching for God
It is Well With My Soul
We had a substitute preacher last Sunday and he did a musical sermon. He would give background on some well-known old hymns and then the choir would sing them and sometimes he would call on the congregation to sing along. It was a moving experience. It kind of reminded me of the old-fashioned revivals from … Continue reading
We recently decided that it was time to give my son a set of keys to our house. He hasn’t really needed any before now. I pick him up from school. But, this summer there have been a few times when he was at a neighbor’s house and needed to get into our house, but … Continue reading
Compelled to Help
I recently saw an amazing video on Facebook. It has apparently been floating around since March, but I just saw it for the first time. I have pasted the link below if you would like to check it out for yourself. I have been unable to get it out of my mind and I felt … Continue reading
A Chance Encounter with the Gullah Man
On a recent trip to Savannah, my family was taking a break from the oppressive heat, in the shade of Forsyth Park. I was walking around and snapping photos of the famous fountain, while my hubby and kids found a bench. Just as I went to join them, a man approached us and asked us … Continue reading
God is Always at Work
It has been a very busy summer for me. The entire month of June is a blur. I am happy to say it’s been all good things, from Vacation Bible School, to summer vacation, to my sis visiting from far up in the northern country. I have been home very little and I’m a homebody. … Continue reading
Love Will Find a Way
When I was visiting my parents’ house recently, I took a short walk up their driveway. Grass had begun to push its way through the asphalt. It was an interesting picture, so I went and got my camera. What do you see, when you examine this photo? I see life finding a way, against what … Continue reading
A Place to Rest
My family and I took a recent day trip to the city of Savannah. I lived there once upon a time, but that’s been close to twenty years ago. We wandered around River Street like tourists and then we hit the squares. My son was particularly interested in the bench where Tom Hanks sat … Continue reading
Life’s Tides
A really beautiful phenomenon at the beach was the changing of the tides. This inlet was gorgeous at high tide. I wanted to get a picture of it every time we passed over it, which was a lot. It was different every time because the tide was different every time. People who live in this … Continue reading
Enjoying the Moment Even Without the Pictures
When we first arrived in Hilton Head, we walked down to the dock at Harbor Town and were rewarded with a mama dolphin swimming with her calf. They were side-by-side and super close to us. Everyone around was ooohing and ahhing. I snapped and snapped, but I couldn’t get the shot. They would disappear almost … Continue reading