Watching for God
Comfort When We Hit Rock Bottom
2 Corinthians 1:4, has come across my path three times in the past week. I read it in two different blogs and then it showed up in my Facebook news feed. I knew God was trying to communicate something to me, but I wasn’t sure what, so I prayed and waited. My hubby and I … Continue reading
Are You Ready?
Fall weather in Georgia is anything, but predictable. I was huddling under a blanket at a football game on Friday night and then I was sweating buckets on Sunday afternoon on a walk I took, wishing I had a bottle of water. This volatility of the weather is nothing new to me. It could be … Continue reading
Use Me
I recently received a text from a friend of mine that read, “Hi, wanted to tell you something. I was looking for an old e-mail, but instead I landed on one that explained Daniel 8, the angel. You are being used. Have a good day.” Of course I couldn’t resist. My reply was, “By whom?” … Continue reading
Can You Feel God?
My family visited a church last Sunday. It was small. I know small isn’t cool these days. The mega-church is where it’s at. But, my hubby and I are traditionalists. We like small. We realized long ago that we kind of swim upstream where society is concerned. We also decided that we are okay with … Continue reading
It’s All About Focus
I was running around last Saturday trying frantically to get packed and get ready to haul eight teenagers in two cars first to my parents’ house, and then to a concert. My son, one of the teens, wasn’t attending the concert. He was going fishing with his Granddaddy. But, he still had to get his … Continue reading
A Life that Points to God
One of my favorite children’s books is, “The Tale of Three Trees.” It’s a picture book that is derived from an old folktale and is retold by Angela Hunt. The story is about three little trees standing on a mountaintop and the dreams they had for their lives. One tree wanted to hold treasure. One … Continue reading
Sharing Light
On a recent walk that I took, I couldn’t help but notice that the light was particularly stunning. Maybe it was because it was a perfect fall day or maybe it was because I was feeling really down. Since I’m normally a very happy and enthusiastic person, being down is quite tough on me. But, … Continue reading
God Doesn’t Care About Statistics
If you are a math challenged individual like myself, the title of today’s post may cause you to breathe a sigh of relief. I came up with this nugget of truth as I was watering my tomatoes and okra this morning and noticed acorns strewn everywhere. I felt the nudge to pick one up, so … Continue reading
The Lifeline of Community
I got a forwarded e-mail this morning from my church mama. She rarely sends me things and when she does, they are always so good, inspirational and thought-provoking. Today’s was simple, but I loved it so much, I jotted it down in my journal before I took my walk. “Life. Sometimes life lies hidden and … Continue reading