Watching for God
Obedience and Blessings
Last night our church improv group did a Sunday Night Live show. It was a variety show with short comedy skits and some music played in between. My family participated in one at Christmas time and we enjoyed it, but this one was an entire different story. My hubby and kids worked together and wrote … Continue reading
Simply Saying Thanks
Have you ever had one of those days that was pretty close to perfect, where everything seemed to go right, every light in your path was green? I had a day like that yesterday. I was reminded of the television commercial that was out several years ago where it was a character named Bob’s day. … Continue reading
Get Growing
This past weekend, I was struck by the gardening bug. My hubby and I, (mostly him), built raised beds last year, so I knew we would replant, but I hadn’t really been motivated yet. Plus, I was waiting to be sure that our cold winter was at last gone for good. A visit to my … Continue reading
God is with Us
As I was taking a walk and praying, I kept watch for a hawk. A hawk often flies across my path when I’m deep into a conversation with God. It’s simply happened way too many times for me to discount it as a coincidence. I have a dear friend that said when she was going … Continue reading
The Face of Jesus
I was subbing at a local elementary school yesterday in fifth grade. I was giving a math test. All of the kids were deep in concentration, when a little girl walked up to my desk. She said, “Can I ask you a weird question?” I hesitantly answered, “yes.” You never know what you’re going to … Continue reading
In Relentless Pursuit
Yesterday, my daughter had a tennis match. It was away. I loathe away matches. First of all, I am prone to getting lost. Secondly, once I make it there, few other parents from our team usually go and I have no one to sit with or talk to. Well, yesterday I was prepared. I printed … Continue reading
What Faith Can Do
My family suffered a tragedy last weekend. Our beloved minivan of fourteen years, died. It was just a car, but it was special. My children were stillĀ in car seats when we bought it. My son was only three months old. It was right after the 9/11 attacks and I remember proudly displaying a flag on … Continue reading
Dormant not Dead
On a recent walk in my neighborhood, I noticed that all of the trees look dead. There are no leaves and nothing green on the vast majority of them. It’s still winter time and I know that they aren’t really dead; they are simply dormant during this season. When conditions get right, with warmer days … Continue reading
When the World is Foggy
Yesterday morning, our area was under a fog warning. Every radio station was talking about it. The Weather Channel App, had a warning about it. My thirteen-year-old son finally asked, during our commute to school, “What’s the big deal about the fog?” His artist mind thought it was cool to look at and I agreed … Continue reading
Smiling in the Rain
It seems like it’s been raining here in Georgia forever. It’s been a very wet winter. My mama says she thinks we’re going to mold. Yesterday began wet and dreary. I had two teens that decided they would pick that particular morning to argue with each other and me and to complain incessantly about life … Continue reading