Trusting God
God Rejoices When We Get it Right.
I always look forward to the children’s sermon every Sunday. Whoever the lucky member of our clergy happens to be, is usually in for a surprise. I’m sure he or she puts a lot of planning into the little message and tries to anticipate how the children may answer the questions posed to them. But, … Continue reading
Learning to Wait
I just spent the day subbing in the media center at the local elementary school. You remember the place; it used to be called the library. I rarely visited the school library when I was growing up, unless I was working on some type of research paper or project. Finding a book was rather cumbersome. … Continue reading
Winning a Battle with Prayer
I had one of those non-stop, hectic days, yesterday. I began the day with a to-do list that was way too long, before I even got started. I was setting myself up for frustration and failure to begin with and then of course, there was a problem with the cable that required a phone call. … Continue reading
Getting Past the Tough Parts
Our heater just came on for the first time of the season. You know what that means, that disgusting, burning smell fills up the house. As I was driving my daughter to school today, they even had a radio call-in segment where everyone was complaining about that heater smell. Now, as much as we hate … Continue reading
The glass half-empty day
I am a lifelong optimist. Some experts say nature causes optimism and some say nurture. I don’t know which is true; I just know I usually am able to see the good in most situations. That’s not to say that I don’t have my occasional down day. I think that because I usually am so … Continue reading
Fall is a time of transition and transition can sometimes be messy. My driveway is covered in leaves and so is our yard and our trampoline. The dictionary defines transition as the process or period of changing from one condition or state to another. During labor, the transition phase is the most intense, but so … Continue reading
Anger management
There’s a lot of anger swirling around at the moment. Our government has shut down and we are about to hit the debt ceiling again. Real people are not getting paid and have either been furloughed or are working for free. The legislative branch and the executive branch of our government are acting like a … Continue reading
Life’s Seasons
I took a walk today and definitely felt the nip of fall in the air. I have already heard my daughter say “I can’t wait for fall.” Initially, I found myself agreeing with her. Then I started thinking about how we are always in a rush to get to the next season. You know what … Continue reading
The Fog
It was foggy when I was driving my kids to school this morning. The sun was up and burning through it and it was quite beautiful. I live in a rural area, so there were pastures and ponds covered in it. I could make out shapes, but I couldn’t see clearly. I remember, when I … Continue reading
When do we have enough? I was sitting at the kitchen table on a Saturday morning while my husband was paying the bills. He was commenting about having enough left over to live on. I found myself praying once again, about money. We always have enough, but rarely any extra. For some reason, the story … Continue reading