Trusting God
Trust Without Borders
One of my favorite songs is “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail),” by Hillsong United. It’s all about being called out and answering the call to do things we couldn’t possibly do on our own, but if we rely on God, we can. I especially like to play it on Sunday mornings when I’m getting ready … Continue reading
Caterpillar Seasons
I have seen caterpillars everywhere lately. It seems like wherever I walk, I have to be careful not to step on one. My daughter even announced to me yesterday, that she had saved one that was crawling in the garage. That’s a huge step for her because she really hates worms. But, she knows that … Continue reading
Rainbow Reflections
My mama texted me this picture of a rainbow that my sister took on her family vacation. I’ll have to admit that I found it stunning. It’s rare to see a complete rainbow extending in a full arc, even rarer to see the second one behind it. She also wrote that she was supplying some … Continue reading
Don’t Neglect the Rehab
A few years back, my daddy had knee replacement surgery. It was a long and painful road for him to get to that point. He had considerable pain in his knee for quite some time, but it was a pain he was familiar with. The surgery was a different kind of pain altogether and it … Continue reading
Trusting the Director
I volunteered to help hand out marching band uniforms yesterday at my son’s high school. He’s a freshman so this was a first time for me. High school marching band meets throughout the day in sections. The first class of the day was drumline which includes all of percussion. When the kids arrived for class, … Continue reading
Faith’s Blessings
Last October, my family visited a new church, well, new to us. This church had been started fourteen years earlier by a core group of believers who were looking to worship together. They began as Independent Methodists and they met at a local school. Over the years, they bought a building and then realizing they … Continue reading
The Downside of Having it Your Way
Yesterday, my pastor preached from the Gospel of John. In John 6:15, the crowd decided to force Jesus to be their king and knowing this, he slipped away. Humanity has always wanted God to do things our way and it’s never worked out well for us. Yet, we keep trying. My pastor said that perhaps … Continue reading
The Power of Group Prayer
I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer this summer. I’ve believed in the power of prayer for as long as I can remember. My mama always said our prayers with us before bed time and we always blessed our meals. But, I wasn’t always comfortable praying out loud and I certainly wouldn’t have put my … Continue reading
Equipping the Called
I volunteered to help with my son’s band camp yesterday. It’s July in Georgia and needless to say unbelievably hot, you know, like a hundred degrees in the shade. The moms all sat under a huge tent with ice, water and Gatorade for the band kids whenever a break was called. It was hot in … Continue reading
Obedience and Blessings
Last night our church improv group did a Sunday Night Live show. It was a variety show with short comedy skits and some music played in between. My family participated in one at Christmas time and we enjoyed it, but this one was an entire different story. My hubby and kids worked together and wrote … Continue reading