Biblical Wisdom
Red Sea Wisdom
Our sermon at church on Sunday, was about the Israelites escaping from the Egyptians through the Red Sea. Most of us are familiar with this Old Testament story. I particularly love stories in the Bible that demonstrate God’s use of His incredible power when His people are being pursued by those who wish them harm. … Continue reading
When You Feel Like a Fire Hydrant
There are some days, no matter how hard I try to focus on all that is good, that it seems like the all of the people and events who surround me collectively come together to rain on my parade. Yesterday was one of those mornings. My fifteen-year-old had to be at her first Beta Club … Continue reading
I Couldn’t Help Myself….
Have you ever seen a toddler throw a temper tantrum? They completely lose control of themselves as they scream and cry until their little faces turn red. They sometimes lie on the floor and thrash about. As parents, we have several ways of dealing with their behavior. We can ignore it or meet it head … Continue reading
Surviving Spiritual Drought
When I looked out of my upstairs window and spotted this tree, I called to my hubby who was downstairs, and asked him if he saw the huge limb that had fallen. He came and looked and informed me it was a tree, not a limb. In my defense, we do have a lot of … Continue reading
Sticks and Stones…
When I was growing up, we used to say, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I suppose as a child I really believed that. Young children often say mean things to one another. I guess I really never gave it too much thought when I was younger. By … Continue reading
What is Your Capacity for Busyness?
We had a guest pastor yesterday in church. His focus was on the 23rd Psalm and Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He went on to say that busyness is the great enemy of spiritual life today and that everyone is hardwired with a different capacity for busyness. I never really thought about it that … Continue reading
The Waiting Place
“You can get so confused that you’ll start into race down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most useless place. The Waiting Place….for people just waiting.” Dr. Seuss In his book , Oh the Places You’ll Go!” Dr. Seuss describes … Continue reading
Spiritual Molts
My son, bless him, is an avid collector of just about anything. My daughter calls him a hoarder. Aren’t siblings fabulous? He is truly fascinated by God’s creation and will pick up anything that catches his eye from rocks to shells. When we happened upon this horseshoe crab, on our vacation this summer, he was … Continue reading
How Are You Doing As a Custodian of Faith?
I was working as a substitute teacher last week and we had the fourth graders out on the playground. I had my eyes on the kids on the swings when some commotion on the basketball court caught my attention. Apparently, some wasps had made a nest inside the basketball goal. When the basketball was thrown into … Continue reading
Appreciating the Bare Spots
There is a limb on an oak tree, outside my bathroom window, with no leaves on it. It annoys me every time I look out at the trees. It’s surrounded by limbs full of lush green leaves. Instead of appreciating all of the beautiful foliage that surrounds it, my eyes always seem to go directly … Continue reading