Biblical Wisdom
When the Path has Stones
Last week was spring break for my kids. I decided to take a break myself. When the kids are super stressed, mama is too and school always makes my kids stressed. This year, spring break was kicked off by Easter. We attended a church service and heard the familiar Easter story. But, this year something … Continue reading
The Complete Picture of Grace
Today is Good Friday. It’s the cornerstone of Christianity. Easter gets all of the press. It’s beautiful and glorious. All Christian churches acknowledge and celebrate Easter. Not nearly as many acknowledge and have a service for Good Friday. It’s a somber day and a somber service. Talking about and picturing the crucifixion of Jesus is … Continue reading
Yesterday, the Christian Church, (the church universal), celebrated or acknowledged, the Triumphal Entry, which was when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowd went wild and children cut palm branches and put them across his path. That’s where we get the term Palm Sunday. It’s the official beginning of Holy Week. I picture … Continue reading
I recently read a post on the website #SheReadsTruth about Peter’s denial of Jesus when he was arrested. You can read the post here if you like. I have never liked the account of Peter denying Jesus. It has always made me uncomfortable. I mean Jesus warned him ahead of time that he would deny … Continue reading
Learning from the Wilderness
Right after Jesus’ baptism, the Bible tells us that God’s voice from Heaven said that Jesus was His son and He was pleased with him. That definitely seems like one of those mountain top moments to me. Jesus is following God’s will and God verbally recognizes him. It seems like peace and joy should commence, … Continue reading
A Divine Band
My son participated in a band concert last night. I am always floored at how good a middle school band can be. I suppose it has to do with its director. All of those different instruments play just the right notes at just the right time and a beautiful melody is the result. Even when … Continue reading
As Iron Sharpens Iron
A very dear friend of mine became a Christian about a year ago. I could write an entire post about how God worked behind the scenes to bring us together, especially for such a time as this. When we get together these days, our conversation always turns to Christianity. We talk about our walk, and … Continue reading
A More Intimate Relationship
Last Sunday was Transfiguration Sunday. That wasn’t a term I ever heard as a kid. I knew the story. It’s when Jesus took Peter, James and John up on a mountain top and He transformed into His divine form. His face and clothes became a dazzling white and Moses and Elijah, who had been dead … Continue reading
Removing the Word If
I was just reading a very interesting exchange between Jesus and a father in the Gospel of Mark, chapter four. Jesus had just come down from the mountain where the Transfiguration had occurred. He had taken three of His disciples with him on his journey and was rejoining the other nine when a man from … Continue reading
Heart Lessons
You would have to live under a rock to not know that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I mean, everywhere I shop I am assaulted by red and pink hearts, hanging everywhere. The pizza places are even selling pizza in the shape of a heart as their Valentine’s Day specials. All of these hearts and heart-shaped … Continue reading