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Savoring a Snow Day

Posted by on February 12, 2014
Our neighborhood creek with snow.

Our neighborhood creek with snow.


We have been granted another snow day in Northeast Georgia. It’s not snowing. It’s sleet mixed with rain, but the state of Georgia got caught unprepared for winter weather a couple of weeks ago and motorists were stranded for days. The Peach State became the butt of late night television show jokes. Our leaders are erring on the side of caution.

This plan works out perfectly for me. I will likely have two to three glorious days with my babies at home with me. They are twelve and fourteen and have busy social lives of their own, so to have them home is always a blessing. Not to mention, my high school freshman will only have a few more years to live at home and have snow days. In no time, she will be off to college.

It seems like just yesterday that they were little and watching Dora the Explorer and now they are half-grown. This mama has enough sense to savor gifts from God like snow days. They are rare for us in the Deep South and that makes them precious.

I have chili in the crock pot. My son is telling me all about something he is building on Minecraft. My daughter is playing IT support on my new laptop. My hubby is working from home. The people I hold most dear are right here with me doing their own thing, but close. I’m thankful.

We will likely lose power sometime tonight or tomorrow, but we have candles, flashlights and Uno Cards. We have a pool table. We have plenty of bread and peanut butter, crackers and chips. Our kids still love family game night. We sometimes have to stop playing Scattergories, because our sides hurt so badly from laughing at each other and our ridiculous answers. We have each other.

Sure, boredom will likely set in at some point. We also are the proud owners of three dogs ranging from twenty pounds to a hundred twenty pounds. The floor will be a wet mess, but thankfully, cleaning up hardwood floors is easy.

The point is that we have a choice to see life’s curve balls as inconveniences or opportunities. What some consider hardship, we have the option to see as a blessing. I am choosing to see this snow day as a blessing.

Most older people will tell you that if they could have just one thing, they would choose more time. It’s the one thing that we don’t get more of. So, I’m savoring this time with my babies who aren’t babies anymore and I would love to encourage you to do the same.

You don’t have to have a snow day or kids at home, but savor the time with friends and family at every opportunity. It really is a gift from God.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂

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