My hubby and I built raised beds back in the winter. We wanted to try to grow more of our own food and we wanted them to be at a height where my parents could enjoy working in them without having to bend over too far and risk injuring themselves. They still aren’t finished, but we planted anyway. We plan to install drip irrigation and ordered all of the components. Unfortunately, we have not had the time to install it.
But, God has been so good to us during this season of transition and we have had one of the wettest and coolest summers we can remember. We haven’t been required to do too much watering because of all of the rain and yet, we have been blessed with abundance. We have been cutting lettuce and picking cherry tomatoes to eat in our salads all summer. Daddy and I share stories almost daily, of the new growth we witness.
Our latest find has been tiny watermelons. The vines have been all over the place, but they are finally bearing some melons.
Our garden, even unfinished, has been a blessing.
When we have had to water, my Daddy has set up the perfect sprinkler system. He figured out just where to place it to hit most all of the beds without having to readjust much.
Last week, the typical Georgia summer appeared. It’s been dry and we have hit temperatures in the 90’s. As I was walking through the garden a couple of days ago, after work, I was alarmed to see that everything looked wilted, especially the watermelon vines.
Since Daddy had plans for the day, I set out a plan to get everything watered early the next morning. First, I realized I needed a 2nd hose. After I finally got the water going, I found that the boxes in the back weren’t getting water. When I moved the sprinkler, I still found dry spots. But, I was determined to get the much needed water on all of those wilted plants that were depending on me.
As I struggled with the hose, I was reminded that God does the same for us. When we belong to Him and are doing His work, He sends us what we need. Sometimes it’s more encouragement and blessings than we could ever hope for and sometimes we end up feeling a little wilted, but even then, He will keep reaching out to us until we have what we need to continue to grow.
After all, He sent us the ultimate living water, when He sent us Jesus. His love and provision never fails.
My garden reminds me that God will always send us what we need to thrive doing His work and that we will never be truly complete on this side of eternity. That has always been part of the plan. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too!
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
For my regular readers, I apologize for my sporadic posts. I started a new job in June and my husband and I are trying to move. I have not had much white space to write. I hope to be more settled soon!
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