The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
On Tuesday of this week, I complained to my hubby about being bored. Don’t get me wrong, I have lots going on. This season has been particularly busy for me, but I was longing for a creative project. Normally, in January, I get motivated to paint a room or re-do a piece of furniture. But, this January came and went and I hadn’t done anything creative.
The following day, I left work early to go and purchase flowers for centerpieces at an event I was coordinating the following evening. I labored over how many bunches to purchase to split between fourteen mason jars. I finally settled on five and headed home. I put them in big plastic pitchers with water until after dinner when I could work with them.
When the dishes were done, I spread all of the jars out on my kitchen table, cut off the plastic from the stems and got to work. I had recently read a book about flower arranging and I was trying to follow the author’s advice. At first, I cut the stems too long and then l cut three big blooms too short and had to toss them. At that point, I became a little frustrated thinking I should have bought one more bunch, but a little nudge told me to just keep working.
I did and I found myself really enjoying the process as I experimented with different textures and colors in different jars. No two stems were exactly alike, even if they were the same type of flower. I marveled, as I often do, at God’s seemingly endless love of the unique.
The time passed quickly and when I looked at my watch, almost two hours had gone by. At last, I stood back and to take a look at my finished work as a whole. I smiled as I realized no two jars were alike. When I looked over and saw the flowers and fillers left in the two pitchers, I broke out into a full grin.
Of course, there had been enough. Why was I always so quick to second guess my decisions? As I reflected on that thought for a moment, my “need to do something creative” conversation with my hubby sprang to mind. At that point, I chuckled and said a prayer of thanks.
God is always at work. He is always planning for what we need well before we even know we need it. He knew way before I did what a busy season this would be for me and the One who knit me together in my mother’s womb, knew I would still need a creative outlet in this season. I’m not sure why I was surprised that He created one for me.
If we look for Him, we will find Him. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 😊
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