A friend of mine recently asked me if I believe in signs. Do I believe that the Creator of heaven and earth and all the creatures in it, can use His creation to communicate with His followers? Not to mention, there’s even a talking donkey in the Bible and God sent ravens to feed Elijah?
I told her yes, without a doubt.
She proceeded to tell me about her mother and grandmother who were driving to a hospital for her grandmother’s knee surgery. It had already been postponed one time and her grandmother is in her eighties. The ladies had refused to come and spend the night with my friend the night before, so they had to leave home at 4:00 AM.
When they got on the road, it was still dark outside. A little ways into their trip, a dove flew right in front of their windshield, close enough where both women could see it. They immediately felt that God was with them and a sense of peace.
The surgery went well and her grandmother is recovering, but that dove left a lasting impression on my friend, so much that she shared with me.
I told her that God often shows Himself to me through hawks. I can take a walk and be diligently praying about something and a hawk will cross my path, so closely that I can’t help, but see it and I’m always filled with His presence.
I was thinking about our conversation last weekend, when I was able to get outside for a rare walk. I was giving thanks for the sun and the warmth and praying for guidance on my next steps in the season I am in. I came to my neighbor’s house with a blue bow on the mailbox. They were outside with their five-year-old daughter and their brand new baby boy. I stopped to talk to them and take a peek at the baby.
He was adorable and I was caught by surprise at my own memories of holding my son that suddenly flooded my thoughts. He will graduate from high school in a couple of months and my nest will be empty.
But, after a few minutes of talking with them, their five-year-old excitedly said, “Look!” and pointed across the street. A big hawk flew from over the neighbor’s house and landed in a tree, right where we could all see it.
I smiled, filled with peace and headed home.
Do I believe God can use whatever means He chooses to communicate with His followers? That’s a hundred percent yes. I just wonder how often we miss it. Thankfully, a five-year-old pointed it out to me. Maybe you needed someone to remind you to look today too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂