Last week, I wrote about how it was still unseasonably hot here in Georgia. It’s October and we were still in the eighties. Well, we had some rain move through and it was followed by a cold front. Last night, our temps dipped into the forties and today we topped out in the sixties.
It was a beautiful day. But, when I stepped outside to get the mail, I heard a little girl complain to her mama about how cold it was. I smiled to myself. It was very windy and the wind was cool. Personally I thought that the day would have been perfect if the wind would have stopped blowing.
Then I caught myself. I suppose we are wired to seek perfection because that’s where we came from. The Bible tells us that we are, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” We are made by a perfect Creator who sent us His perfect son to show us perfect love.
That’s a lot of perfection. But, we aren’t perfect. We are terribly flawed and we make lots of mistakes. However, we have this beautiful gift of grace because we are perfectly loved.
Isn’t it amazing how easily we forget that gift? We forget about that glimpse of perfection. Instead we search for perfection in the physical world. We look for or try to create the perfect job, perfect clothes, perfect friends and spouse, or plan the perfect vacation. We try to create the perfect body and the perfect house.
Some of us even expect the weather to be perfect or at least to meet our definition of it.
Yet, all of our attempts at perfection always fall short. We simply can’t achieve it on this side of Eternity. One day we will get to walk with Jesus in a place where we will never get sick, or grow old, where there will be no tears, hunger or heartache. We will get to experience true perfection forever.
We tend to forget that we are travelers here and not permanent residents and so we go about trying to create perfection here. It’s not until we learn to be still and acknowledge God and His plans that we can learn to be content. It’s not until we surrender our need to control and be perfect that we get to experience that perfect love.
And then we understand that what we have been given isn’t perfect, but it’s enough because we’re just passing through. A cool wind reminded me. Perhaps you needed reminding today.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂