There’s been a media feeding frenzy lately over the United States taking in thousands of Syrian refugees. Both political parties as well as presidential candidates, have jumped into the debate with both feet. Social media is teeming with posts flying both for and against it.
None of this surprises me. We’re gearing up for an election. Tensions are running high on any range of issues both foreign and domestic and terrorism is frightening, period. Of course, the very definition of terror is to make people afraid.
What I do find incredibly troubling is how Christians are going after each other over their individual positions. I read a post today where the writer was asking people to please just unfriend her because of all of the negative comments she has been subjected to. She even said people had called her un-Christian.
I though about that all day and it has really bothered me. One of my own Facebook friends has questioned people’s Christianity and their knowledge of the Bible if they are against taking the refugees.
Here’s where I call foul. When we call ourselves Christians, the entire world is watching us, including non-believers as well as those who might believe, but they have a problem with our hypocrisy. Why in the world, would we give them any fuel for their fire?
Yes, we are talking about an issue that both sides are passionate about. Yes, we can disagree, but to question one another’s faith, crosses a line. Every true believer of Christ knows that faith is incredibly personal and that God made each one of us unique in our feelings and opinions. Both sides have some valid arguments.
I have seen it written more than once, that there are close to 50 thousand homeless veterans here in this country, and that we should provide for them before we take any new immigrants from any country. Are these people wrong? Is their sentiment somehow un-Christian?
Am I less of a Christian because I feel very strongly about helping the struggling, hungry and homeless right down the street from me before raising money for an airplane ticket to help someone half a world away?
Jesus did tell us to love our neighbor. There are many ways to show that love. They way I read that scripture, is that our neighbor is anyone you come into contact with. They don’t have to speak another language or be from a foreign land to qualify.
We can talk about being at war with radical Islam and we should. But, Christians have a greater enemy and that’s Satan. If you don’t think that he will use any means to turn God’s people against each other, think again. I’ve no doubt that he is delighted by Christians calling each other ugly names on social media.
As Americans, we have the right to disagree with others on any issue we see fit. But, perhaps as Christians, we need to take some time to prayerfully ask for some guidance when responding to others on this heated issue. Satan exists to divide and destroy God’s people. We can do better. We should do better.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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