This weekend is Mother’s Day. As I think of this day set aside to honor all the world’s mamas, I think about the unique gift of mother love. Mothers and fathers love their children in entirely different ways. Both are equally important, but they are different.
I kind of think of the Old and New Testament in the Bible, as father love and mother love. The Old Testament has rules, punishment, wars and justice. We get a picture of the nature of God. He loves His children dearly, but there is punishment for disobedience. Think about Jonah. God forgives, but the Old Testament is the tougher side of God.
The New Testament is about Jesus and grace. It’s still a part of God, but a loving, softer side. It’s more representative of mother love. You can’t read one part without the other and get the entire picture. You need both.
Mother love isn’t a gift just given by a mother to her biological children. There are many women out there who have loved those who God has put in their path, with the love of a mother for a child. There are many grown women who could readily give you the names of mother figures in their lives, who have nurtured them along the way.
I have an awesome mother, but I also had several surrogate grandmothers that I cherish. I have had teachers who have mothered me as well as some church mamas. Take a moment and say a prayer of thanks for all of those women God has sent into your life, whether they share your blood or not.
Then ask yourself, who all have you played a mother to? Where are they today and how are they doing? Take a moment to thank God for those people He sent you, to give some mother love. Ask Him if there’s someone who might need you today.
Ask yourself if you know any mamas out there today who may be missing their children or children who may be missing their mamas. (You never outgrow the need for your mother.) Maybe you could give that person a call or send a note or invite him/her for lunch.
Mother’s Day is really a celebration of all women. We are all mothers in some way, whether we ever actually give birth or not. God made us that way. We are different from our male counterparts. God made us different and that’s a good thing.
So, Happy Mother’s Day to all the ladies reading this, and to all the men, be sure to tell the women in your life how much you love and appreciate them. I hope you have a fabulous day.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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