Today’s reading starts by telling us that many of the Jews who had been visiting with Mary and followed her out to Lazarus’ tomb and seen the miracle of Lazarus’ resurrection, put their faith in Jesus. Well, I guess so, I would think it would be pretty difficult to continue to doubt at this point.
But, some went to the Pharisees to tell them what had happened. It doesn’t say why. Maybe they went as spies. Is it possible that they went to share the miracle and possibly defend Jesus’ divinity? I can’t fathom how anyone could walk away from this miracle and be unchanged.
At any rate, the Pharisees get together with the Sanhedrin. These were the men who were really in charge. The Pharisees were always looking for problems and believed themselves to be righteous, but they had no power to really do anything. The Sanhedrin, however, did.
The Pharisees told the Sanhedrin that they knew Jesus was performing miracles and if he kept on, all of the people would believe in him. The Romans would become alarmed and come and take over and maybe destroy the temple as well as the nation. They had a point. The Romans didn’t like to feel threatened. Remember how Herod ordered every baby boy killed when he heard that the Jewish Messiah had been born?
Then the High Priest spoke up and told them it was better for one man to die than for an entire nation to perish. He was interested in the politics. Even though Jesus was eventually killed, his death did not save the nation of Israel. It was destroyed in 70 A.D.
But then he prophesied. This part is kind of interesting, because this man was God’s High Priest. The prophesy came from God. He said, that Jesus would die for the Jewish Nation, but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one. He had no idea what he was truly prophesying about. He thought he was talking about the political, physical State of Israel, the Jewish Nation.
God had something completely different in mind. He was talking about the Jewish people along with all other people united as one. This was a concept that would have been impossible for these men to grasp. It would have never crossed their minds that God was interested in redeeming ALL of humanity. They believed they were the lucky few.
But, we have talked about this before. The sheer enormity and completeness of God’s plan is next to impossible for us to even consider, much less understand. These guys were no different and they didn’t understand the gift of grace either.
From this point on, they plotted to kill Jesus. Jesus knew this and no longer preached publicly. He retreated with his disciples. His time had not yet come.
That’s where today’s reading ends. What do you think about this passage? I’d love to hear from you.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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