Monthly Archives: October 2022
Lessons from a Scuppernong Vine
Last weekend, my hubby, my mama, and I decided to take a look at some old scuppernong vines that my grandmother planted over fifty years ago. They were a complete overgrown mess. They hadn’t been touched or tended in at least twenty years. The original trellis was on the ground. Trees had grown up around … Continue reading
Dogwood Lessons
We had an early cold snap this past week. We went from temperatures in the 80’s over the weekend to below freezing temperatures in the span of just a few days. That’s really unusual for us in the Peach state. I have never been a fan of cold weather and if it’s below 70 degrees, … Continue reading
Unexpected Blessings
As I was driving to work yesterday, I was giving thanks for the rain. We have desperately needed it and although it was no fun to drive in, I was determined to be thankful. As I drove, I prayed for inspiration for a blog post. I know that God is always at work in my … Continue reading
Giving Thanks for Intervening Grace
A couple of weeks ago, I was driving into work. I was traveling on a different path than was normal for me because I had to pick up coffee boxes for visiting employers who were interviewing our students. I was tired. It had been a long week, but it was all good things. My school … Continue reading