The Christmas Cactus knows its job is to announce that Christmas is coming despite its circumstances.
About a week ago, I was delighted to find small, bright pink buds on my Christmas Cactus. I tend to it year round, but once a year, it rewards me with stunning tropical blooms. When I see the little buds, it’s like a little announcement from Creation itself that Jesus is coming. It makes no difference to that little plant what new viruses or variants are surging or what new political chaos is raging.
It’s purpose in life is to announce that Christmas is coming and it does so with great enthusiasm.
Years ago, when I first got it, I planted it in a pretty white ceramic pot that thought suited it beautifully. Last week, my hubby accidently knocked it off the plant stand and it fell crashing floor. Once I realized that he was ok and I saw the shards of white all over the floor, I rushed to see what kind of damage was done to the plant. I was pleased to see very little damage to the plant itself, but the saucer part of the pot was mostly gone.
I didn’t dare repot it while it was covered in buds, fearing it would go into shock and not bloom, so I bought a plain, ugly, plastic saucer to put underneath it. It definitely wasn’t as pretty as before. I mean, the pot was toast. It made me a little sad to see it broken.
But, over the next few days, the buds got bigger and brighter. I found myself drawn to it one day after work. The plant it seemed, was blissfully unaware of the ugly saucer it was sitting in. It’s job was to announce the coming of Christ and it was happily doing its job despite the circumstances.
I’ll have to admit that I felt both inspired and humbled at its defiance.
How often do we allow our circumstances to hinder our worship and our mission? When life sends blows our way, how do we respond? When we lose a job, or a relationship falls apart or we get a bad diagnosis, do we stand tall like that cactus and continue to point others to Jesus or do we curl up in a ball and wait until the sun is once again shining and life is good to resume our worship?
Life on this side of eternity will always be a mix of both good and bad. A Christmas cactus reminded me while we have no control over our circumstances, we do have control over our response to them. Perhaps you needed reminding too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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