It’s sometimes difficult to imagine what the end of our journey looks like when we are stuck in the middle.
My family recently went on a hike to a waterfall. It was beautiful and an easy walk and so it attracted many people. The viewing platform was full when we arrived so we went to the base of the falls. We had a a few minutes to take pictures and appreciate the beauty before we were joined by more people. We headed back to the platform to snap a few photos and again, in a few minutes, it was full.
We were a little disappointed. When we go to the woods, it’s to enjoy nature away from crowds not fight with people for a little space. To be fair, I’m sure the other people felt there, the same. It truly was a beautiful and I could see why folks were drawn to it. There’s a certain majesty found in both the sight and sound of water crashing into rocks below. Waterfalls are one of those places in Creation that tend to make us pause in awe at something so much bigger than ourselves.
But, as we stood on the platform for a few minutes, we noticed a couple at the top of the waterfall, a little off of the beaten path, so instead of heading back down, we decided to head up there. It was much quieter away from the crowds. It was an entirely new perspective at the top of the waterfall, yet still breathtaking.
I wondered what it was like a little further upstream. Was it still just as gorgeous and dramatic? I felt the nudge to check it out and so I walked a little further.
What I found was a little mountain stream. It was pretty and clear, but it wasn’t large or in any way special. There were parts where it was almost completely dammed up by a fallen tree or debris. If you were to look at this little stream at this point in its path, you would have no idea it was destined for greatness. If you stopped here and walked away, you would completely miss its awesome destiny.
The thought of the journey of that mountain stream stayed on my mind for days after we returned home. We all have the tendency to celebrate greatness. We like to focus on the finish line and we often compare the middle of our own journey to the finish lines of others, but no one’s awesome waterfall moment ever started there. Nope, that journey started long before. There were likely twist and turns and sometimes they may have even gotten almost completely stopped, but the waterfall moments are proof of what happens with faith and perseverance.
They remind us to to the same on our own journey at whatever point we may find ourselves. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂