We can still find peace in the chaos because we serve the God who has a plan even when we can’t see it.
As I write this post, I am surrounded by chaos. There are two bookcases in the space where I usually write and I finally decided last weekend, after years of being unhappy with their dated appearance, that I would paint them. I’m not usually one to shy away from a painting project, but these bookshelves held over a decade of stuff that had been placed on them. That stuff would have to be stacked and strewn all over a couple of rooms while I worked on my restoration project.
That meant that I would have to live with some chaos for the better part of a week until the paint was completely cured. I am not a huge fan of chaos. I like for things to be in their place especially in my space where I work and create. When I write about seeing God in the everyday, I usually do it from a desk where I have pictures of sunrises and sunsets and quotes that inspire me. I have pictures of people and places I hold dear and two dog beds where snoring pups provide the only noise.
Yes, that’s the scene I usually write in because I can hear God the best when it’s quiet. “Silent Night,” is probably the Christmas songs that resonates best with me.
But, does that mean that I don’t believe that God exists in the chaos? As I look at my sofa stacked with books and albums, I know that isn’t the case. I know from first hand experience that He is equally active in both chaos and in times of peace. I have found myself in plenty of chaotic situations over the years. Some of them were absolutely through no fault of my own. These were situations that just come from living in a broken world.
Some were completely due to my own choices and bad decisions and electing to pursue my own will instead of God’s.
But, the beauty of the loving God who we serve, is that He was with me through all of the chaos both self-created and otherwise. He has always remained faithful to me even when I wasn’t faithful to Him. He has also taught me along the way that sometimes true restoration requires some chaos.
I gaze again at the stacks of books on my floors, but this time I can smile. I know how much I will enjoy the restored and redeemed bookcases. I know that the chaos is temporary and I am reminded the pain and aggravation in the process are always worth it.
Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you needed reminding too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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