“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22
A few days ago, I was heading out to my backyard when I encountered a big garden spider on a huge web. I’m in my backyard almost everyday and it seemed like she appeared overnight on her web and all in all of her glory. If I’m completely honest, I will admit I have never been a fan of spiders, however, as I’ve grown older, I have come to admire their craftsmanship.
Have you ever really examined or stopped to appreciate, (from a respectable difference of course!), the intricacies of a spider’s web? They are so precisely made, like natural works of art. Besides their artistry, those webs are very effective as well, as anyone who has had the misfortune of unknowingly walking into one can tell you.
So, I paused for a moment to admire nature’s art, and I was reminded what seeing a spider in that spot likely meant. It’s late August in Georgia, as I write this, and we are easily hitting ninety degrees on most days, yet spiders on large webs, begin to appear every year as summer nears its end and fall draws closer. I chuckled to myself and wondered if this particular spider was mistaken. Fall feels very far away at the moment, despite what retailers would like for us to believe. It’s hard to think about pumpkins spice when it’s ninety outside.
But, a couple of days later, when I was out on a walk, I saw another spider on a large web, high up in the trees and I knew that the first spider wasn’t out of sync somehow. Why would she be?
As humans, 2020 along with the corresponding virus, social unrest, masks and divisive politics that will forever be linked with it, has created havoc for us. The human world is in chaos and nothing seems normal and sometimes we wonder if it ever will be again. We don’t trust the news, or our leaders or even our health officials, who seem to change their minds on a daily basis. It’s enough to make us want to throw up our hands and just give up. What’s the point of trying to make a difference in this crazy world?
Yet, God shows us another way. God is a God of order, not a God of chaos and when we want to find Him and some order, which is part of His plan, we can always look to His creation. Nature is completely unaffected my the chaos currently plaguing humanity. Spiders are building their webs. Fall is coming. God is still in charge despite what humanity might think.
As I thought about the spiders on my way home, I felt some peace settle into my heart as I always do when I truly seek God. A dear friend of mine recently reminded me that when we intentionally seek more of God and less of man, peace will always be close by. She was right. Some spider webs reminded me. Perhaps you needed reminding too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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