“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
A couple of weeks ago, I took a walk in my neighborhood and I ran into a a friend who I hadn’t seen in quite some time. We worshiped at the same church for many years, attended the same Sunday school class, even attended a ladies group where we prayed for each other at one point. It was good to see her and we took a few minutes to catch up on each other’s lives.
She shared like everyone else, that she was concerned about Covid-19, concerned about the safety of her family and the safety of her grandkids who are back in school and concerned about her own safety. We talked about what a mess our world is at the moment. I reminded her like those of us who share faith are called to, that God has a plan, that even thought we can see nothing but chaos, He has a plan and He loves us and in the end, it’s all going to be okay. She knew it, but she seemed pleased to have the reminder.
I relayed the story to my hubby later and we talked about how we are always amazed at how God puts people in our paths at a certain time for a reason. I thought about our encounter for the rest of the day.
Later that evening, my son called to tell me what was going on with his class schedule. He transferred colleges this year and almost all of his classes at his new school have gone online. It’s difficult to meet new people when most of your classes are online. He said his roommate told him that he picked the worst year ever to transfer. I told him I was sorry, but who could have planned for a worldwide pandemic?
Then he said, “there’s a plan.” I fought back tears as I agreed with him. My hubby and I have shared our faith with him since he was a baby. It was so comforting to hear him acknowledge his faith when he’s going through such a difficult time. I wouldn’t have been surprised to hear him questioning his faith, but he was amazingly matter-of-fact and I held his words close to my heart.
When I was driving home from work with a migraine the next day day, from working in an office with too much light and reflection due to plexiglass, installed for safety, I was in tears. Out of the blue, my son’s words popped back into my head followed by the conversation with my neighbor.
God used both of those conversations to remind me and bring me comfort. God has a plan. It may not look like it. I’m sure it didn’t look like it to the Israelites who roamed in the desert. I’m sure it didn’t look like it to Jonah when he was in the belly of the fish or to Daniel when he was in the lion’s den. The Bible is full of stories teaching us about God’s sovereighnty in the darkest of times.
Those of us of faith can rest assured, God has a plan and He loves us. A conversation with my neighbor, a phone call with my son and a migraine reminded me. Sometimes I need reminding, perhaps you do too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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