And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts on my Facebook page about seniors who aren’t getting to have their graduation ceremonies. There’s been a lot posted about proms that were missed and sports seasons that never materialized. My heart definitely goes out to those kids. I can’t imagine their disappointment.
I’ve been impressed with all the use of technology and the virtual ceremonies to recognize and celebrate these seniors. The innovative and optimistic spirit of Americans never fails to amaze me.
However, the virtual world is not the same as the real world and the loss for these young people is all too real. But, when I received my first graduation announcement in the mail yesterday, I found that I really empathize most with the parents of the seniors. As a mama, I can attest that when my children hurt, it’s a double whammy for me.
I don’t even have a senior this year and I can feel the anguish of these mamas and daddies. This pandemic has disrupted the plans of people worldwide and our children have been no exception and what’s worse, we can’t do anything to fix it. It’s a terrible lesson about life being unfair for these kids and equally as heartbreaking for their parents.
As I was thinking about it, I was reminded of the story of Joseph and how he was sold through no fault of his own and then after doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing and resisting the temptation that was being thrown at him, he was wrongfully imprisoned, again, through no fault of his own. Where was God?
To young Joseph, it must have seemed that he had been abandoned. But, God was at work, putting him in the places that he needed to be, learning the skills and language that he needed to learn, to eventually, save the entire nation of Israel.
You see, there was a famine coming that would affect the entire world. Joseph had no idea. His family had no idea. The Egyptians had no idea, but God knew and He had a plan.
This pandemic was not a surprise to God. He knew it was coming.
As a mama, I have no problem trusting that God has a plan for me, but if I’m honest, I really struggle sometimes with His plans for my kids. I often feel like my plans are the best and seeing my children suffer is heart wrenching.
One of the most difficult faith concepts as a parent, is remembering that God loves our children more than we do. I know it seems unfathomable, but it’s true. The Bible says, He knit them together in the womb before they were even born. He has a plan for you and He has a plan for your children, a plan to prosper and not harm them.
I know it may not seem that way right now. I’ve no doubt it didn’t seem that way to Joseph when he was in the pit or later when he was in prison, but it’s true. In the end, Joseph was able to say that God meant it for good.
Times seem awfully dark right now and we will all come out of this changed in some way, hopefully as people with more patience, kindness and a deeper faith. Our children will be changed too. There’s no telling what God has planned for them. Some times I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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