Maybe all of the early decorating is because we are craving the peace, joy and hope that Christmas promises.
As I write this post, Thanksgiving is a week away. Every year, I try to take time out in November to intentionally be more thankful. I try to start each morning with a prayer of thanks for the many blessings I have been given. I make every effort not to rush ahead to Christmas, although it has always been my favorite holiday.
This year, however, I have noticed that people have decorated earlier than ever before. There were people sharing pictures of their Christmas decorations on social media, the day after Halloween. I’ve even read about debates on talk shows about how early too early is for Christmas decorations.
While I chuckle at the discussion, I mean seriously, who cares when your neighbor decides to decorate for Christmas?, I began to witness more and more early decorations on my day-to-day travels and a theory began to form. When a sweet friend at work asked me early last week, if I thought it was too early for her to decorate, I shared it with her.
Our country is really divided at the moment. Politics seem to dominate all that we do. There’s an impeachment trial in process and friends, neighbors and even some families, aren’t even speaking to each other over it. Despite our booming economy, the homeless population has exploded. The stock market is still doing well, but folks in general, don’t seem to feel very secure or thankful.
Perhaps, all of this early decorating is due to the fact that we are all craving Christmas and what it really means. Perhaps, we are craving hope and joy and peace. It’s the time of year that tends to bring the best out in us. It’s the time of year when we are willing to choose kindness. We will carefully shop and fill up shoe boxes to send to children around the world, who we will never meet, to share the Gospel. It’s the time of year when we will pull tags off of a bulletin board or a department store angel tree and buy just the right gift for a stranger in need. It’s the time of year when we will scrounge around our pockets to find money to put in a red kettle out in front of a store.
It’s the time of year when we revisit the manger where hope was born.
My friend agreed that I was probably on to something. She’s seen it too. I suspect we all have.
Later in the week, as I was getting ready for work and feeling a little down myself, about the state of our world, I tested my theory and pulled up a Christian Contemporary Channel on my phone. The first song was, “O Holy Night,” a thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, and I knew I was right. My entire spirit was lifted.
The next song, by Casting Crowns, really said it all. It’s called, “Somewhere In Your Silent Night.” I’ve shared it here, if you want to test my theory. We all need Christmas, maybe this year more than ever. The good news is that it’s coming. Perhaps you needed reminding.
Have an awesome day!
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