“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4:14
I work in the office of an elementary school. One day this week, a sweet lady came and delivered a basket of treats for our faculty and staff. She was from a local church and they bring a basket a couple of times a year. She’s a retired teacher and she said that she knows how stressful this time of year can get for educators.
There are no strings attached. There’s simply a really cute sign with the name of the church on the front. She just asks that we return their basket to them in a few days, so they can refill it for next time and she comes back and gets it.
When I say the basket is full of goodies, I mean serious goodies. There were Snickers bars, Reeses Cups, Skittles, Butterfingers, Hershey Bars, all types of Lance Crackers, Nutrigrain Bars; and the list goes on.
The basket itself, was huge and the treats went all the way to the bottom. There was no tissue paper or filler. I love to send out the e-mail announcing that the Briarwood Basket has arrived. The teachers and staff, who have been there a while, come to the office at the earliest opportunity, to get a treat. The new ones are always shocked at the bounty.
They are all surprised when we encourage them to take two items and they are like a delighted children on Christmas morning going through the basket that has so many delicious treats.
They are even more surprised when they come through the next day and we tell them to get another treat. Most of them will tell us that they received a treat the day before, trying not to take away someone else’s opportunity, but when we tell them, that everyone has already gotten one and they can get another one, they are just as thrilled as the first day.
It’s so fun watching them all receive a gift that they didn’t earn, but was given freely. Everyone is invited and everyone comes. It doesn’t matter if the employee is new or seasoned, young or ready for retirement, or if they are the lead teacher or a paraprofessional, or if they feed the kiddos breakfast and lunch or help keep the school clean, or answer the phones, or are an administrator.
All are welcome to partake of the bounty in the basket.
The basket is a beautiful illustration of grace. We can do nothing to earn forgiveness and redemption, yet Jesus offers it to us freely if we ask. All are welcome, but unlike the basket, His grace never ends. We are encouraged to receive grace as often as we like.
But, I’m guessing that’s exactly what those ladies at Briarwood were hoping for.
A love offering from a church, reminded me of the beautiful gift of grace, available to us with each new day and with every breath we take. Perhaps you needed reminding too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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