When we share faith when we feel prompted, there’s no end to the beautiful ripples we can help create.
One morning last week, when I finished my morning devotion, I checked my Facebook feed. I don’t know why. I rarely look at Facebook in the mornings. I simply don’t have the time. But, for some reason, I did.
At the very top, was a picture of a daily devotion that a friend of mine shared. She recently lost her mother to cancer and is in a period of deep mourning and profound loss. She has shared so many beautiful pictures on Facebook of her mother through the different stages of her life and has received many comments and I’m sure, countless prayers for her peace and healing.
She has shared that her mother was a person of deep faith and raised a daughter who shares in that faith and so on that morning, even in her despair, when she read something that really spoke to her in her sadness, she felt led to share it with others.
And on that morning, I saw it and downloaded it and sent it to my own daughter because I thought it would speak to her. It did and she thanked me.
Later at work, a friend of mine shared that her daughter had just received some bad news about an injury not healing as it should have and she was pretty devastated. I shared the devotion with my friend and she felt it would really help her daughter.
Later in the week, when I witnessed another friend who has been struggling with an ongoing family issue, show kindness when she really didn’t have to, I felt prompted to share the devotion with her as well. She’s kept such a great attitude, but I really felt like she could use some encouragement.
She texted back immediately, that she had really needed that and thanked me for sending it.
Even thought my friend’s sweet mama has gone home to be with Jesus, she’s still making all kinds of faith ripples because of the faith she instilled in her own child. We are all here for such a short time. What we do in that time depends entirely upon us. We can squander it on all kinds of things that will never matter once we are gone.
But, we can choose to spread the seeds of faith, hope and love and in the end, those are the only things that truly remain. I’m so very thankful she chose to share.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂