“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you, God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5
A few weeks ago, I was getting dressed for church and I was listening to some praise and worship music. I usually prefer quiet when I’m getting ready for church, but this particular morning, I found a Pandora station and cranked it up.
When I was almost ready to turn it off, the song, “I Can Only Imagine,” by Mercy Me came on. I’ve always loved that song, because I find it to be so true. We have no idea how we will react when we get home to the other side.
Of course, my inner teenager came out and I sang to the top of my lungs like I thought I was Cary Carrie Underwood. You apparently never get too old for that. Praising God out loud, in private, lifted my spirits in an amazing way. I really struggle this time of year. It’s so cold and so dark and it’s been raining forever and it was once again, supposed to be another rainy Sunday.
But, as I sang and danced around, (try not to judge, King David danced for God) :), I no longer cared about the weather. I was just thankful to be alive and going to church.
When the song was coming to an end, there’s a line that says, “Will I stand in your glory or to my knees will I fall?” I hit my knees and when I did, I could see the sun peeking through the clouds, through my closed blinds and my heart overflowed.
I would never have seen it through those closed blinds if I hadn’t been on my knees. I stayed there awhile and prayed and felt a brand new peace.
I don’t often kneel to pray, but sometimes, when I’m particularly troubled, sad, or frustrated, I do. I don’t believe it’s by any means a requirement for our prayers to be heard or answered, but there’s something about being in that humble position that always makes me feel very close to God.
That morning, it just felt natural and I followed that nudge and was rewarded with a sliver of the sun and a promise that bright things were on the horizon and that He is still in control and still listening.
I attended church and went about my day, but I thought about that sliver of sun all day long. I was reminded that we can learn a lot when we are on our knees and what a beautiful thing hope is. Perhaps you needed reminding too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
Here’s the song, in case you want to hear it!
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