“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5
On Monday, I wrote a post, called “The Rear View Mirror Illusion,” about struggling with thoughts about my best years being behind me instead of in front of me. I wrote about how we can get pulled into looking into the rear view mirror and long for those days gone by, because time has a way of whitewashing the past.
I had that post on my mind for two full days before I actually typed it out. I usually keep a notebook close by to jot down ideas that may present themselves at any given moment.
I feel like God reveals Himself to me all of the time and more often than not, I probably miss it and so I try to keep a look out and take notes.
But, that morning, that prayer, that sunrise, and that rainbow, just wouldn’t leave me alone. God often speaks to me in a whisper, but I felt like that day, He was using a megaphone and the need to write it down and share it, just wouldn’t go away.
So, Sunday morning, even though I was out of town, even though I was working on something else, even though I was visiting with my Mama, I powered up my laptop and told my story.
I don’t know why I was surprised that I got more likes, comments and shares on that post than I’ve had in a long time. It was something a lot of people clearly needed to read. It resonated with them. It offered some encouragement to some struggling hearts and reminded them that God is still listening, still working, and still in control.
The response to the post, reminds me of how important it is to share with others, both our trials and triumphs on this faith journey.
It’s so easy to just plaster on a smile and say that everything is fine, but this side of Eternity, will always be littered with obstacles and pitfalls. There are valley moments along with the mountaintop moments. It takes both to grow our faith.
And there are times when we will feel a quiet, insistent, nudge to reach out to someone with encouragement. Sometimes we have no idea why. Sometimes we are busy doing something else. That post reminded me to make the call; send the text; extend the invitation, because God is still in the business of using His people to share His light with a world that at times, can be very dark.
And don’t we want to be a part of that?
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂