As I walked by my son’s studio space, a wilted plant caught my eye. Uhoh, I thought, I forgot to water it and it looked like it was beyond salvation. However, this particular plant, is a Peace Plant. It’s what I like to think of as a little over dramatic. When it gets thirsty, it droops like it’s dead, but a good dose of water perks it right back up.
I ran and got it some water and then I went about my business. I haven’t always known that Peace Plants behave this way when they don’t get the water they need. The first time it did that, I thought it was dead for sure. It was a call to my mama that assured me it would be fine. She told me it was simply its way of letting me know it needed water.
That Peace Plant reminded me of how our hearts and souls can get sometimes when conditions have become less than hospitable. When we go too long without the right amount of spiritual nourishment, we can wilt like the little plant. When we stop praying, when we neglect reading the Bible, when we stop attending worship service or when we stop spending time with other Christians who can build us up, we can develop a spiritual wilt of sorts.
To the casual onlooker, we can look beyond repair. But, there’s nothing casual about God and His relationship with His children. He knows that we are never beyond repair and that when we reach for Him all things are possible.
So, He sends His water in various ways, a call from a from a friend, an unexpected card or e-mail, a random Facebook post, an impromptu walk out in nature, a song that tugs at our hearts, or an invitation to church, could all be examples of His way of reaching out to us and reviving the spiritual wilt.
If we allow Him to, He will remind us that we are loved and we are never beyond repair, no matter how far we may have strayed or how dry and desolate our lives may feel.

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow within them.” John 8:38
When I passed by the little plant the next day, it had perked back up and was ready to take on the world. It reminded me that the same can be true for us if we reach for the right water. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂