Last week, there was another horrific school shooting in our country, that left seventeen people dead. Before the dust settled the blame game began. The gun control advocates got out their bull horns. The mental health reform folks got on their soap box. Everyone wanted to lay blame on someone for the tragedy.
When our sense of justice is shaken to the core, along with our sense of safety and that of right and wrong, we demand answers. Then, we demand change. We want assurance from those in charge of our safety and the safety of our children, that this type of thing will never happen again and especially not in our hometown.
As Americans, who live in a land of laws that are designed to protect us, we naturally look to the government to fix issues like this that seem to be spiraling out of control. We want to believe that the answers, along with the blame, lies with those who govern.
I think we are wrong.
While the government can offer some protection against these types of attacks, the more serious evil is at the source of the violence. The violence is merely a symptom of something much deeper and as we tend to do with everything in our society, we tend to gravitate towards treating symptoms, not the sickness.
Just walk into a pharmacy and look at all the treatments for stomach issues. There are hundreds and that’s not even counting prescriptions. Yet, if we would simply change our diets, we could fix the majority of our stomach aches.
Violence in our schools has been on the rise since God was escorted out. At every turn, there are groups who fight to keep prayer out, even if it’s simply cheerleaders praying before a football game.
We also used to be a people who feared God and we taught our children to do the same. Now, we teach our children to fear no one. They don’t fear their parents. they don’t fear their teachers. They don’t fear authority period. They don’t fear God and many have never even heard of heaven or hell, so they don’t fear death either.
The violence can be stopped, but it’s not by man. If you are reading this, you woke up this morning; God is not finished. The Bible says, “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Now, more than ever, we need to pray as a nation and we need to teach our children to pray, but we also need to teach them to respect the only authority who can drive out evil.
We need to turn back to God. He’s truly the only One who can end the violence.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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