As I sat down to write today’s post, I had no idea what I would say. I always attempt to see God in my daily life and share it here in this space, in ways to hopefully, inspire others to do the same. The only problem is that I always require some downtime to sit and reflect and the past couple of days have given me very little downtime.
Monday, I had to run to a store right after work for a great deal on some Christmas shopping. I did get exactly what I was looking for, but the lines were long and it took a while.
When I got home, my son wanted some input on a fairly lengthy paper he had written for school. It went on way past dinner, and I had to help him with lots of grammar, but the story was fantastic and he ended it with a Bible verse from Proverbs. I was thoroughly surprised and impressed.
I was also too tired to write.
Yesterday, I spent my afternoon texting back and forth with my daughter in college, about an opinion piece she wrote for a class. She also wanted my input and when we found that our opinions differed a bit, we texted back and forth about that. It was an intelligent and respectful exchange and I was impressed by the adult that she has become.
Then, my son came home and told me about his day. Then there was dinner. Then I had choir practice for our Christmas Cantata which is this Sunday.
Once again, I had no down time, but even so, God was there whether I saw Him or not.
As I write about the past two busy, yet ordinary days, I can see the hand of God everywhere. He was there when my son asked for my assistance, respecting my opinion. He was certainly there when a Bible verse showed up unexpectedly in his paper.
He was there at the store when I found the very item I was looking for at less than half the original price.
He was there when my daughter and I effectively and peacefully communicated with each other over differing opinions.
He was there when I joined with others in choir practice, to lift my voice to praise His son.
So, today, I don’t have a special moment or one single instance that points to God to share. But, I do have the past couple of days where He was constantly at work in the background. I can see Him there when when I actively look. For me, that makes the ordinary extraordinary.
I’ll bet if you think about it, you can say the same about your seemingly mundane day.
Have an awesome day!
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