My family just took a tour of some of the places used in the filming of the television show, “The Walking Dead.” Personally, I’m not a fan of the show. In fact, I’ve never even seen an episode. My hubby swears that there are all kinds of deeper meaning in all that transpires. But, I can’t past the zombies and the gore.
However, my hubby and daughter just love it and the tour was a gift for my daughter’s birthday, so my son and I went along for the ride.
When we arrived in the darling little town of Senoia, which is the town of Woodbury on the show, the man who checked us in informed us that they had actually been filming in town for the past several nights before, and that if we walked to the edge of town, we could see the Walls of Alexandria.
My daughter lit up like a candle and we headed that way. When we got there she and my hubby were very impressed. There were tourists and tour groups everywhere taking pictures of the Walls of Alexandria.
I too, took pictures, but quite frankly, I didn’t get what all of the fuss was about. They were tall metal walls. There was nothing at all aesthetically appealing about them. What was the big deal?
My hubby explained later that those walls protected everyone within them. There was a self-sustaining city inside those walls and they also kept the zombies out.
The walls were a big deal to the people who followed the show.
As I was later looking through my pictures, I came across those walls. I thought about how there are times when we work very hard to create something that people on the outside just don’t get.
Maybe it’s creating a family life that brings us joy or carving out a time of quiet to talk to God. Maybe it’s a scheduled date night with our spouse or maybe it’s losing a little weight or eating a little better. Maybe it’s learning to trust that God has a plan for us. It could be just about anything.
To those on the outside, our hard work may not look like much. Like me with the Walls of Alexandria, they don’t know our story. But, we have a God who does. Jesus follows our story with all of our struggles and triumphs and He cheers for us when we make progress in our journey towards Him.
He always looks past the gore of the messes we make. He gets us and He loves us.
The Walls of Alexandria reminded me. Perhaps you needed reminding too.
Have an awesome day!