As my hubby and I were walking into Walmart last weekend, there was a bell ringer there for the Salvation Army. I have a ton of respect for those guys, standing out in the cold or the rain or sometimes both. They stand there ringing a bell, for hours on end, for a cause much greater than themselves.
But, this guy, well, he was a picture of pure joy. He was wearing a red Santa hat and he had Christmas music playing. He sang along and danced and wished everyone who walked past him, coming or going, a hearty, “Merry Christmas!” He was all smiles too, seriously joyous.
When I walked past him initially, I promised myself I would dig in my purse and find something to drop in his kettle on the way out, but as I thought about it, I stopped right inside the door and felt lead to give right then. I looked until I found something to give. (Isn’t it interesting when we truly search for something to give to others, that we always find something?)
I walked back outside and had a difficult time placing my dollar in his kettle because it was crammed so full. I was not at all surprised. His enthusiasm was contagious and God was clearly blessing him for it.
I thought about that man for the rest of the day and a Bible verse kept springing to my mind. The associate pastor at our church shared it at a recent meeting I attended. She was talking about the different jobs at a church and doing things we are passionate about. She said there was one verse that she tried to apply to her life daily.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
She said that simply means to do everything that you do like you are doing it for Jesus personally, with excellence. In other words, it doesn’t matter if you’re answering phones, creating spreadsheets, changing diapers, driving a bus or anything in between. We are called to do our daily tasks to our best ability, like we are serving Jesus, openly joyous and enthusiastic, with thanksgiving.
I wonder what the world would look like if all Christians embraced the idea that we are sometimes the only Jesus that those around us get, our co-workers, our neighbors, the cashier at the store, are all part of the mission field where we have been sent. How well are we doing on that mission? Do those who we cross paths with feel a little closer to Jesus after spending time with us? Does our joy and enthusiasm encourage them to maybe give faith a chance?
A Salvation Army bell ringer at Walmart, reminded me of the beauty of doing all that we do with excellence. He also reminded me of that blessings that come from doing so. Perhaps you needed reminding too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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