I had lunch a few days ago with a very dear friend of mine. We hadn’t spoken in months and we had a ton of catching up to do. We worshiped at the same church for many years and we were Vacation Bible School partners for close to ten of them.
We began talking about my VBS plans at my new church. We talked about the theme and then I told her I had to put together a budget which was new for me. My last church had an awesome associate pastor who did that. She loved VBS too.
When I told her how much I thought it was going to cost, she asked me if the church had the money. I told her I didn’t think so, but I wasn’t worried about it because Jesus loves VBS. Her eyes lit up and she smiled. “Yes, He does,” she agreed.
Anyone who knows me knows what a heart I have for VBS, and co-directing all of those years truly was a faith builder. My friend agreed. There never looked like there would be enough volunteers, but when the week started, there were always plenty. If someone got sick, another person would pop up to help. There were years where there didn’t look like there would be many children attending. There were always plenty, and every single VBS was different and meaningful to all involved. We also had money that would come in from all kinds of unexpected places from people who wanted to help.
Like the fishes and loaves, there was always more than enough. My adult experience with VBS has taught me that if it’s a ministry that Jesus loves, there will be enough.
Last year on my Salkehatchie mission trip, the director put some snacks out on the tables for the teens to eat. She also bought bottled water to take to the work sites. She told me that she never replenished the water or the snacks, the donations just kept pouring in. We never ran out.
We were working on the houses of elderly people who couldn’t help themselves. We were being the hands and feet and Jesus was clearly on board.
The Bible has a story about a man named Nehemiah who wanted to rebuild the crumbling walls of Jerusalem. He was a servant to King Artaxerxes. He was his cup-bearer. He prayed and fasted and when he went before the king, he asked if he would allow him to go and rebuild the walls. The king agreed. Then he asked for a letter to guarantee his safe passage. The king agreed. Then he asked for a letter allowing him to cut timber from the king’s forest. The king agreed. Not only that, the king sent army officers and a calvary with him to keep him safe.
Nehemiah boldly asked the king to help provide something that God would bless. Nehemiah had no idea what the king would say, but he was called to do God’s work, and God provided. The wall was built in 52 days.
And so it us with all of God’s children. Whether it’s VBS, or a mission trip, or starting a Bible study, or anything else, if God calls us to do it, we can go forth boldly, knowing He will provide.
He proves that over and over in the Bible. He’s proved it over and over in my life.
So Christian, whatever He’s calling you to do today, take the next step in bold faith; remembering, if God is for us, who can be against us?
Have an awesome day!
Wedy 🙂