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Seeking and Finding

Posted by on January 22, 2016
God showed me His face in three straight lines.

God showed me His face in three straight lines.

It’s been a long, short week this week. While the kids have only had to go to school four days because of the holiday on Monday, it has seemed particularly long. Both of my teens have been fighting off the crud and have been super reluctant to get up in the mornings.

I have had several routine doctor and dentist visits and my very favorite doctor on the planet is retiring. One of our dogs had surgery this week and the other one decided she wanted to start barking at midnight for no apparent reason, which had me getting out of bed and wrangling her before she woke the entire house.

These are not serious problems. But, they were my problems at the moment, and I was exhausted.

When I got up at 5:00 yesterday morning, I was dragging, to say the least. I found my tired and weary self praying the prayer I often pray when I’m worn out.

“Dear God, please show me your face today and let me have enough sense to see it.”

You see, I find that when I’m the weariest is when I’m the most vulnerable to enemy attack. I miss the blessings and focus on the negative. My patience tends to be less and I’m more prone to say things that I don’t mean. Maybe you have that weakness too?

After breakfast and two cups of coffee, I headed out the door and prayed the prayer again.

I was subbing for a teacher who teaches the gifted, which is usually a treat because they often do cool and interesting stuff. Yesterday was no different. The first two classes were given ten minutes to make their own picture out of three straight lines. I couldn’t wait to see what they came up with

There were a lot of abstracts, which is probably the best I could have done. There were some stick figures. There again, right up my alley. But, there were also some cool pictures of babies and birds. But, in the second group, at the last table, there was a boy who took those three lines and drew Jesus carrying his cross up the hill and then Jesus on the cross.

It took my breath away as I fought to keep my composure. He took three lines and he saw Jesus. He saw grace and my desperate morning prayer was answered. I saw the face of God.

I find that whenever I sincerely ask God for reassurance, that He’s there and listening, He always comes through. It may not be in the form I would choose, like a winning lottery ticket, but when I honestly seek Him with an open heart, He always shows Himself in a significant way that I can’t miss.

The Bible tells us, “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. ” Luke 11:9

That was Jesus talking.

Wherever I am and whatever I am facing, asking God to show me His face, is my go to prayer. He never disappoints. Maybe you should try it.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


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