Building an authentic relationship with God requires praying about everything, not just the really big things.
A lot gets said about not comparing ourselves to other people. We have no idea what other people have been through to get where they are. We are all God’s own unique creation and we should be focused on Him not them. Can I get an Amen?
When we think about comparing ourselves with other people, we normally think about people who we think have more and better anything, or everything, than we do. But, what about the flip side?
Sometimes I find myself grappling with a seemingly insignificant issue like one of my kids not passing algebra. It upsets me to see my child struggle, trying hard and still not passing. But, then I sometimes have a nagging feeling that says things like, “How dare you be concerned about something so trivial. There are children starving to death in this world, or at least your child is healthy; there are children dying of cancer, or, or, or.”
When I buy into that, I’m still comparing myself to others. That little nagging feeling doesn’t come from God because it separates me from Him. It makes me feel like my problems are too insignificant to take to Him. It makes me feel ashamed for not feeling thankful for all of the blessings that I have been given.
God doesn’t want us to feel badly about our emotions.
God wants true, authentic relationship with us. He doesn’t want us to just come to Him with a smile plastered on our faces and read off an automated list of the things we are thankful for. Yes, we are supposed to be thankful and live with thankful hearts, but we are human. We have bad days. We have everyday struggles. We get our feelings hurt.
God wants to hear about that stuff too. He knows our hearts anyway; to really grow our faith, we have to be honest with Him when we pray and if we are honestly worried or anxious about something, it doesn’t matter whether it seems insignificant to anyone else. We need to feel free to pray about it.
Can we expect God to answer a prayer if we’re not willing to share it with Him?
I’m reminded of an old hymn from my childhood that says it perfectly, “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”
I sometimes write to remind myself. Maybe you needed a reminder too.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂