Yesterday, my hubby and I were talking to our middle school Sunday school class about Creation. When we try to teach kids about the nature of God, we always start with the Bible. Everyone seems to have their own image of what God is like or what God would do in this situation or that. But, if we want to see the true nature of God, we really have to start with His Word.
Genesis is such an amazing book. It’s quite the page turner; everything from Creation, to the fall of man, to the Flood, to Abraham, to Sodom and Gomorrah, to Joseph in Egypt. There’s so much that happens between God and man in that one chapter, the very first one.
But, what grabbed me yesterday as it does every time I read it, is in the very beginning of Genesis. In the very first chapter of Genesis, God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:3-4
What does that tell us about God and His nature? Well, light is important to Him and what He creates is good. In the New Testament, many years later, the Apostle John wrote, “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5
Ever notice how humans seem to instinctively seek the light? We look for houses with lots of windows. When we get a warm, sunny day in early spring, we go outside in droves. We like to have fire pits in our yards and everyone loves to sit around a campfire whether it’s cold outside or not.
Perhaps we are drawn to the light because we are innately drawn to God, who is light. We may not know that we are drawn to Him, yet we are on an instinctual level.
Think about it. When we are in a dark room, we can talk ourselves into believing all kinds of evil may be lurking about. Isn’t it amazing how simply flipping a light switch can chase so many fears away? The light brings us comfort. When we turn it on, we realize that we had nothing to fear in the first place.
Why do you think that is?
God who is light, draws us to Him where we feel safe and loved. We matter so much to Him that He sent His son to light our way.
Speaking of light, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Jesus is like a flashlight for us with batteries that never die. He lights our way on every single path that we walk, no matter how dark or scary. When we follow Him, we never walk alone and we never walk in darkness.
Sounds, pretty good, doesn’t it?
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂