One praying Christian is a threat to evil. Two or more gathered in prayer, is a force to be reckoned with.
I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer this summer. I’ve believed in the power of prayer for as long as I can remember. My mama always said our prayers with us before bed time and we always blessed our meals. But, I wasn’t always comfortable praying out loud and I certainly wouldn’t have put my hands on someone while I was praying.
That seemed a little bit over the top for me. I thought that was something that maybe those snake handler Christians would do.
This summer on my mission trip, while we were touring the homes we would work on, tragedy struck in the family of one of our volunteers. A close family member was struck and killed by a tree branch on a beach during a school trip. She was quietly asked to step off of the bus where she was given the news. Those of us on the bus were given the news too. She was devastated.
The excited chatter of new friends and old acquaintances stopped as she got back on the bus and took her seat by me. I held my breath. What could I possibly say to this stranger I had only met a couple of hours earlier? She sat with tears streaming down her face. I told her I was so sorry for her loss and she quietly nodded her head.
Our director got back on the bus and asked us to join together in a prayer. As she began, I put my hand on my seat mate’s shoulder. I don’t really know why, but I felt lead to. At the same moment, the man in front of me did the same and the woman across the aisle from us placed her hand on her back.
It was a powerful moment and as she quietly sobbed, I could feel her drawing strength as well. I could feel the Holy Spirit at work.
She decided to stay the week and complete the mission. She said she was surrounded by family to support her. It was an unbelievably strong testament. No one would have blamed her for leaving. We became good friends as the days passed and I feel blessed to have met her.
We prayed a lot as a group, over the week. We held hands almost every time. We began and ended each day holding hands in prayer on our work sites. We also ended each day with a prayer back at the church with everyone joining hands and sharing something about their day.
A few days ago, I was having coffee with a friend who has really been struggling physically. We talked a lot about prayer and my trip and when I went to leave, I asked her if I could pray with her. She agreed. But, then I found myself putting my hands on her neck that was hurting her so badly, as I prayed for her to get some relief. I was just as surprised as she was, but she said later she felt better.
I think we seriously underestimate the power of prayer, especially when we pray in groups. God is always listening, but the Holy Spirit seems particularly energized when we gather in a group in Jesus’ name. Remember Pentecost?
I’ll admit it can be uncomfortable, but the results are amazing. Maybe it’s worth a try.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂