Each time we figure out what we don’t want to do, we are a step closer to figuring out what we do want to do. Nothing is ever wasted.
My soon-to-be high school junior, doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life. Shocker right? It seems that all of the kids around her know exactly what they want to do when they grow up, or at least they think they do. Lately, I have had countless conversations with her about how figuring out what she doesn’t want to do, can lead her to what she does.
I know it seems kind of counter intuitive, but it works. She tried volunteering to tutor kids at a local elementary school last year. She didn’t enjoy that at all. She probably doesn’t need to be a teacher.
She hates medical stuff and the sight of blood, so being a doctor or nurse is probably out.
With each step she takes that helps her discover what she doesn’t like, she gets another step closer to discovering what she does.
I think our faith walk can be very similar. When we give our hearts to Jesus, we know we want to follow Him. We know that God will call us to serve in some way. We often are willing to serve, but don’t know how. What exactly is He calling us to do?
Sometimes, we just know. People who love to sing are naturally drawn to the choir. People who just love kids are often drawn to teach children’s Sunday school classes. But, what if we don’t feel that we have much talent or don’t enjoy kids?
There are a million ways to serve. Probably the best way to figure out your calling is prayer. Then start volunteering at your church. Most churches are more than happy to put you to work somewhere. You could greet people, or help take attendance, or serve on a committee. You can help make or serve refreshments. You can volunteer to visit people who are sick.
You can’t find what you are called to do by never trying anything. I always said that I was interested in working with any group of kids except middle schoolers. It’s such an awkward age. Surprisingly, (or not really, now that I’ve walked with God long enough), I find that I really have a heart for that age group. Sure, they can be mouthy, but their masks aren’t on yet. They are still open to listening and learning.
Working with the middle schoolers when I was asked, even though I thought it was something I wouldn’t enjoy, lead me to something I never would have believed in a million years that I would enjoy. I have heard people that I roped into volunteering at Vacation Bible School, say the same. They really didn’t think they would enjoy it; but they did.
Of course, we can minster anywhere. I met a delightful girl yesterday who told me that making sandwiches was her ministry. How fabulous!
If you are serving somewhere, keep serving. The Kingdom needs you. If you aren’t, perhaps you should say a prayer and then say yes to something when asked. You never know, you may find your calling. If not, you will be a step closer to finding it. That’s just part of the journey.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂