Sometimes when we pray for signs and answers, we have to patiently wait, but sometimes our answers come quickly. The trick is to watch.
My daughter has been wrestling with God lately. She had a fabulous mission trip experience last year in South Carolina. It was through a small church that couldn’t have been a better fit for her. It was life changing. We have changed churches since last year, so she didn’t really think that the same mission camp was an option.
Then her foreman, a man that she came to adore over her week there, reached out to her and asked her if she was returning. He told her she didn’t have to come with the same group. She and I talked and we tried to round up a group from our new church to go. Ideally, I was going to send my hubby, and both my kids. There were others at church who were interested. I could even go, if needed, but I had never really felt called to do something like that.
It looked like it was going to happen, but it didn’t. That week just wouldn’t work for the people I was talking to. We let the mission trip idea go.
The he reached out to her and me again. The leader of the camp also reached out to me and told me she would pray about us coming. My daughter and I prayed about it. She really just wanted one buddy to go with her. She had a friend who could go, but she would be a day late. We let the idea go again.
Last week, I was walking and praying and asking God to give me some guidance on the trip. I do try to stay in His will, but sometimes I simply don’t know what it is. I knew my daughter was wrestling, but I didn’t really know how to proceed.
When I was on Facebook that evening, there was a plea from the leader of the mission project. They were desperately short on volunteers and she named several people in her plea. She said I need, (names here,) to come and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Guess whose name was on the short list. Yep, mine. Wendy Gaines, we need you.
Now, at this point, I’m thinking about getting swallowed by a whale. For me, it was fairly close to a burning bush moment. I prayed for God to show me His will and then my name is specifically called out to be “the hands and feet of Jesus?”
I messaged her on Facebook on told her some financial concerns I had. We could swing the fee for one trip, but with wisdom teeth coming out this summer and hubby getting a crown, two would be tough. She answered right back they would scholarship me.
At this point, I could see the whale circling. I immediately agreed to go. I’m not real big on wrestling with God.
My daughter and I will be attending a summer mission trip in June. I’ve never been on one. I’m excited to see what God has for us to learn since He so clearly wants us to go.
Sometimes we pray for signs and answers. Sometimes we have to wait a while and sometimes they are very subtle. This time, it was hard to miss, but I wonder how often I do miss them. I am reminded by the entire experience to always watch for answers when we pray. Sometimes they are right in front of us. They can even pop up on social media.
How closely do you watch?
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂