Monthly Archives: January 2015
Nothing is Wasted
The miracle of the fish and loaves is the only one, besides the resurrection, that appears in all four Gospels. It’s a familiar story to most Christians. Jesus had been teaching the crowds for hours. It was getting late and everyone was getting hungry. Jesus was well aware of human needs and he was about … Continue reading
Another Look at Martha
If I were to ask you about the two sisters in the Bible, named Mary and Martha, what leaps to mind? I’ll bet it’s the story of Martha running around trying to feed a house full of people and Mary sitting and Jesus’ feet. When Martha appealed to Jesus for help, he gently told her … Continue reading
Who is the One Losing?
I love music and I become very impatient when I’m driving down the road and the deejays on the radio insist on talking or commercials are playing. I just want to hear music and I’ll punch one preset after another until I hear some tunes. I like all kinds of music. There’s a button programmed … Continue reading
Looking Beneath the Surface
It can be awfully easy to judge others. When we meet someone for the first time and they are rude or snippy, it’s easy to write them off as, not a nice person. It’s an easy mistake for adults to make and super easy for kids. We tend to judge people by what we see … Continue reading
Your Mission Field
We had the district manager of missions come and visit our church last Sunday. He spoke of trips to Jamaica and Belize. He talked about the huge difference that missionaries can make in the lives of others. He talked about building structures, replacing pipes, giving sermons and conducting Vacation Bible School on foreign soil. It … Continue reading
The Danger of a Box
I had to go buy some new running shoes a few days ago. My old ones had a hole in them that rubbed a blister on my heel when I wore them. They were simply worn out. My new ones were shiny and comfortable. When I brought them home, I put them in my closet … Continue reading
Perishable Things
I just read through John, chapter six for an online Bible study I’m participating in for the next few weeks. I conducted a study on John last year for Lent, so I always find it really interesting to re-read any part of the Bible that I have read carefully before, because I always find myself … Continue reading
Living in Faith Not Fear
We often talk about what we believe. Many of us who are Christians try valiantly to live like Jesus’ example. We try to read the Bible regularly and we try to live in faith and not fear. I came across a story last week that I just had to share. A ninety-two year old woman … Continue reading
The Importance of Epiphany
Today is Epiphany. It’s a part of the Christmas story, but like Advent, many churches don’t celebrate it. It’s not mentioned in the Bible; it’s church doctrine that was adopted by Eastern Orthodox churches originally. Whether or not your church celebrates it or even mentions it, I believe the idea of Epiphany is definitely noteworthy. … Continue reading
Fresh Starts
Today is the first day of the first entire week of the New Year. 2015 is off and running. People make dozens of resolutions and break them just as quickly. We humans love the idea of changing certain aspects about ourselves or our situations, but the wanting and doing often don’t connect. God knew this … Continue reading