I love music and I become very impatient when I’m driving down the road and the deejays on the radio insist on talking or commercials are playing. I just want to hear music and I’ll punch one preset after another until I hear some tunes. I like all kinds of music. There’s a button programmed for classic rock, several country stations, adult contemporary and even the stuff my teens like. I’m a child of the eighties; I can appreciate the beat. 🙂
I also have a contemporary Christian station programmed and I hit its button along with the rest of them. As I was madly searching for music one morning, and every station was talking, I came across a song called “Losing” and it’s by a band called Tenth Avenue North.
I really love words, which is probably why I like to write, and the words to this song really grabbed me. I’ve attached a link if you would like to hear the song yourself.
It begins by talking about gossip, he said, she said stuff. Then it says, “This is love. This is hate. We all have a choice to make.” Wise words, indeed. Love and hate are choices that we have to make when we are faced with hurtful actions from others. How do we make that choice and which is the right one?
The singer then says, “Father, give me grace to forgive them because I feel like I’m losing.” Isn’t that the truth? When we carry around anger for a period of time, it takes up space in our hearts. It grows bitterness. Love isn’t the only emotion that grows and takes on a life of its own. Anger can do the same and anger has the ability turn into hate.
Hate is a very dangerous thing to carry around. It’s contrary to Jesus’ teachings. It’s contrary to God’s plan. Nowhere in the Bible are we called to hate others and if anyone had a reason to hate, it would have been Jesus himself, but he chose another way and we are called to do the same.
The next lyrics are the ones that I haven’t been able to get out of my head. “Truth be told, it doesn’t matter whether they are sorry or not.” Therein lies the rub, right? We find it difficult to forgive those people who have admitted wrong and apologized, but the people who aren’t even sorry? Do those people deserve our forgiveness? The answer, whether we like it or not, is yes.
The Bible tells us, “And don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.” Ephesians 4:26-27 Â So, if we carry anger around, who wins? It’s not God. It’s not the good guys.
Forgiveness can be so hard and often not something we can do without the Holy Spirit. But, if we earnestly seek help with forgiveness, God will help us. There’s another Bible promise that’s helpful here, “But with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26b
Finally, as Christians, “We live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 That means we’re not supposed to react solely on the circumstances right in front of us. We are called to remember that we have greater purpose and serve a God that is bigger than anything we can possibly face.
As we remember all of that, perhaps it’s a little easier to let go of any anger that we are carrying around. Quite frankly, our hearts need the space for other more fruitful things like love, grace, patience and kindness. A new year is an ideal time to deal with any unresolved anger. Maybe it’s time to let it go.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂