I have been hearing the term, reinvention a lot lately. Maybe it’s because the economy has been so bad for so long, that many people have had to reinvent their careers and themselves. The depth of beauty and prosperity that can rise from ashes, never fails to amaze me.
I remember when Mount St. Helens erupted and the pictures that were plastered everywhere of the devastation. Pictures of the area now, are beautiful and pristine. You would never know what it looked like thirty years ago. Scientists say that wildfires are actually good for the forest. They clear out undergrowth and make them healthier in the long run.I’m sure the little woodland animals would disagree with that statement. They don’t know what scientists know.
Change is often hard, but forced change due to circumstances completely out of our control is particularly difficult and downright frightening. However, I have read many success stories of people who have lost their jobs and finally followed some long dormant dream because they had nowhere else to turn. These people are thrilled that they took that scary leap of faith, even if it was forced upon them.
We are never too old to follow a dream or reinvent ourselves. Moses was 80 years old when he became the leader of the Israelites and confronted Pharaoh. He tended sheep until that point. That wouldn’t seem to have been an occupation to help him build leadership skills. God thought otherwise.
Then there’s Paul, the king of reinvention. Not only did he persecute the new Christians; he had them killed. He was convinced this new church was wrong. He made it his mission in life to try to stamp out Christianity. You would think this would be the last person on earth to decide to preach the Good News far and wide. You would think this would be the last person on earth to start new churches and to write the majority of the New Testament. God thought otherwise. Paul’s perspective changed and he spent the rest of his days telling anyone who would listen to him about Jesus, even from prison.
The Bible is full of these examples of reinvention. It may be a new term for us, but it’s long been a concept of God’s. If you woke up this morning, then today holds new possibilities for you. As long as we are living and breathing, God is not done with us.
So the question is, where would you like to go? What would you like to do? Is there an idea or dream in the back of your mind or deep inside your heart that you have always held onto, but never nurtured? If it’s been there for a long time, maybe there’s a reason.
If it’s something that you can do to serve God, hand it over to Him and see what happens. I think God loves those kinds of dreams the best, the ones we thought could never happen, because those dreams are the ones only He can make happen and pursuing them takes faith.
Just be prepared, because when you say to Him, “Please use me;” you are likely in for a wild ride. God always takes the scenic route.
What have you been holding back? Feel free to share.
Have an awesome day!
Wendy 🙂
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