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God is Always at Work

Posted by on June 30, 2014
When I went to check on my garden, this is what I found.

When I went to check on my garden, this is what I found.

It has been a very busy summer for me. The entire month of June is a blur. I am happy to say it’s been all good things, from Vacation Bible School, to summer vacation, to my sis visiting from far up in the northern country. I have been home very little and I’m a homebody. I sat on my porch last Friday morning, after I had to get my son to the church at 7:00 AM for his mission project, with a cup of coffee, bone tired.

I sat there in the cool quiet of the morning and listened to the birds. I thought of all the cleaning that I needed to do, along with the laundry. It’s always amazing how the house gets dirty whether I’m here or not. Dust continues to collect on the furniture and hairballs gather in the corners.

We hadn’t made a true grocery trip the entire month of June. We just ran in and picked up a few things here and there. So, a big grocery trip was also on the list. I sighed. I had so much to do and I was so exhausted. Plus, I needed to think about Monday’s post. I was out of ideas at the moment.

But, as usual, since I have followed God’s calling to look for Him everywhere and share my findings, with words on this blog, He provided.

I looked over at my garden patch. It’s like a jungle over there, with squash leaves, bigger than dinner plates and tomato plants as tall as I am. I hadn’t been over to inspect it since I got home and I kind of dreaded it. Here’s the thing about gardens, they take a lot of tending. You have to be very vigilant about watering and pest control. It only takes a couple of days of no care and you can have some kind of infestation.

My hubby had been watering it, but I knew he hadn’t been really inspecting the leaves and such. Still, I felt a little voice calling me to check it out. I’ve come to have great respect for that little voice, so I headed over. Not only were there no bugs, there was squash ready to be picked and eaten.

It was as if God was saying to me, “I know that you are tired. I know you have been busy. Look what I have been doing. I have made food for you.” I was grinning ear to ear as I said a silent prayer of thanks. He was providing food for my family as well as food for my soul.

And the next day, I had this zucchini.

This one seemed to have popped up overnight.

This one seemed to have popped up overnight.

I chuckled as I pulled it. “Now you’re just showing off;” I whispered to God.

The Bible tells us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:9-10.

God is always at work. He never tires. When we are exhausted, or sick, or depressed, or angry or out of hope. He is always working things out for our good. We can forget that sometimes when things look bleak, but if we ask for reassurance with an open heart, He will give it to us. After all, we are His children, His prized possessions and we are loved at all times.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


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